A few questions for Imran Khan


What method you are looking at for bringing someone into power? Democracy? and what does democracy require? stability and elections? and WHO has taken measures for stabilizing the democracy and appointing a neutral Chief election commissioner? one who is always abusing others and nothing to his credit or the ones who are resisting all temptations of power and receiving the blows of friendly opposition by politically immature lot? I wont look at any other credits of PMLN and these 2 mentioned are enough to make me vote for them. They might not be the best ones out there but you have to choose the best available option, and all these hypocrites sitting here would never want to try a chinese vehicle for the same price as of a japanese vehicle being manufactured in Pakistan even after a hundred trials and failures and defects with the suzukis and toyotas available with the domestic industry, coz there, they are concerned and their financial interest is involved. but when it comes to choosing a leader, the short sighted people see NOTHING TO LOSE and therefore just pick up anyone who plays to the gallery. The measures taken by PMLN for this ongoing democratic term are essential for making or breaking of the country and time will prove. Had the same measures been adopted in 90s, we would be far ahead in economy than india or malaysia, but its never too late to start. Let the process roll on and let the incompetents be voted out for good. If Khan was talking about changing this pathetic one man one vote system and bring more of a Khilafat type system, many of us would be leaving pmln and moving to him but when he is dependant on a system being made and supported by pmln and then he wants to benefit from the system but abuse those who are to be credited, there goes his hypocricy exposed. I have said enough for anyone who does not have pejudices and for the pathtics, nothing but a rod will convince them, at either way.

I have sent the same questions with a little additions to PML N as well. And I sent these to the email posted on their website and their facebook page as well. And the post was deleted on Facebook and its been one month and no reply from PML N. After sending them these questions I saw some of their politicians on media and I didnt bother sending them this again. I dont know why people think that I am criticizing IK. Is there anything written in this post that offends IK. I dont think so. I have said in the start that I like what IK stands for. But he is not addressing these issues. And for the people who are saying that voting for IK is against the Status Quo, look again. The first two questions are about the Status Quo. How is IK going to bring equality among the poor people of Pakistan and the powerful bureaucracy, Federal ministers, MPA, MNA.


MPA (400+ posts)
The mere fact you can ask questions from IK on any forum is enough to give vote to him.

PML-N & PPP leaders are beyond Q&A, they damned care what your problems are. They are looking forward to rule you again !!!


MPA (400+ posts)
If you want me to go only on the performance and history then I wont be able to vote for IK. because he has no previous performance. Although his history is good and he has been one of the most respected leaders.

You can judge the previous performance of Imran khan by his leadership qualities while leading the Pakistan cricket team and establishing Nimal university and shoukat khanum cancer hospital ....these would be enough to judge his leadership and management qualities, if you are not biased.


Mansoor Chaudhry

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
You can judge the previous performance of Imran khan by his leadership qualities while leading the Pakistan cricket team and establishing Nimal university and shoukat khanum cancer hospital ....these would be enough to judge his leadership and management qualities, if you are not biased.
Lets not judge IK on criket team or shaokat khaum cancer hospital .... we have various people who are stars in other field but when it comes to politics we always have issues. .... IK has establish his political parties for past 15 years now .... not a single acheivement so far ... what about this?


Councller (250+ posts)
You have so much free time to write this long Ramlila. Remind you there were nations distortyed before!! Koofi la yoofi ring any bells??? and who don't knw Spanish history is good ref for you.. as you seems quite free person probably jobless or too lazy to use energies in positive way so here is one word for you to put a full stop to your Ram khani...One Word ""Will"""thts what you need to find out if there is true Will there always a way.