A few questions for Imran Khan


Senator (1k+ posts)
taimoor bhai ..plz do ask questions..pr meray dost..tora simple aur short likh kr..ap aik aik kr kay question karo tu explain krna aasan ho ga ap ka liye aur jawab dainay walay ka liye bhi...


MPA (400+ posts)
I have sent the same questions with a little additions to PML N as well. And I sent these to the email posted on their website and their facebook page as well. And the post was deleted on Facebook and its been one month and no reply from PML N. After sending them these questions I saw some of their politicians on media and I didnt bother sending them this again. I dont know why people think that I am criticizing IK. Is there anything written in this post that offends IK. I dont think so. I have said in the start that I like what IK stands for. But he is not addressing these issues. And for the people who are saying that voting for IK is against the Status Quo, look again. The first two questions are about the Status Quo. How is IK going to bring equality among the poor people of Pakistan and the powerful bureaucracy, Federal ministers, MPA, MNA.
Mate either ur very naive and have never heard or read anything articulated by IK or ur trying to create a bit of mischief. Seriously its open season on PTI and IK, self proclaimed intellectuals like Farukh Saleem and every other moron who can string a paragraph in english n urdu is having a go asking 10 questions. IK and PTI leadership in both media articles and interviews have clearly articulated PTI policy (covers role of establishment, rule of law - police reforms, education, energy, economy, tax reforms, foregin policy, kashmir - has to be solved through dialogue and exerting moral pressure and no ur not going to force it from indian hands through jihad), which answers the questions u have raised. If that doesn't help u understand the PTI stance then good luck vote for PMLN and be a slave of the Sharifs n ther aulad.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
بھایی صاب معزرت کے ساتھ۔
ہم آپ کے اس کتاب نما مقالہ کو پڑھنے کیلے نہیں بیٹھے ہیں۔
لکھنے کا اتنا شوق ہے
تو اپنی کتاب چھاپ دیجیے۔
آپ جیسے لوگوں کے ان الٹے سیدھے سوالوں کے جواب دینے میں میرے لیڈر کی عمر
گزر گیی۔
مگر لگتا ہے آپ لوگ کبھی مطمّین نہیں ہونگے۔
اس لیے آپ سے گزارش ہے۔
سدھر جاو۔

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Councller (250+ posts)
If you want me to go only on the performance and history then I wont be able to vote for IK. because he has no previous performance. Although his history is good and he has been one of the most respected leaders.

Taimoor, I don't agree with your logic of previous performance. Going by this logic no graduate fresh out of university would ever get a job because he would have no previous work experience. Fresh graduates still get hired on the basis of the potential value they can bring to an organization which is assessed by the employer. If an employer refuses to employ fresh graduates at all, it would only be because of their inability to assess the talents of an individual without looking at previous performance.

Additionally, we all know the previous performance of PMLN & PPP. I would rather choose someone with no previous performance in government but having integrity, an impeccable track record of hard work and achievement and a genuine care for the people of Pakistan. I would choose such a man any day over PMLN and PPP, the performance of which is known to us all.
We don't get serious answers and trolls are bombarding the questionnaires with immature comments.


Q 1: Sir, you have always maintained that militants are taking innocent Pakistani lives because the militants are being attacked by American drones. But the militants insist that they would “kill everyone and anyone who stands
against the imposition” of their version of Islam. In essence, the militants are convinced that they are fighting for ‘Islam’ while you continue to maintain that militant actions are actually reactions to American drones.

Q 2: Sir, if anyone wishes to negotiate with the PML-N, he would naturally have Mian Nawaz Sharif, Mian Shahbaz Sharif, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan or Senator Pervez Rasheed in mind. You have always favoured negotiating peace with the militants. Please name just four names representing the militants that are in your mind with whom you will negotiate peace.

Q 3: Sir, you have promised that Prime Minister Imran Khan shall wipe off militancy from the face of the country. Can you please name just two militant organisations that you plan to wipe off?

Q 4: Sir, you have been rightly pointing out that more than 40,000 innocent Pakistani lives have been lost in what you say is ‘America’s war’. Can you please identify by name the forces and groups responsible for the loss?

Q 5: Sir, a state cannot be called a state unless it has ‘monopoly of violence’ within its geographically defined physical terrain. The State of Pakistan must, therefore, have ‘monopoly of violence’ within our 796,095 square km. But Pakistani militants in a recent message sent to Reuters have stated: “We have a clear-cut stance. Anyone who takes the side of the government against us will have to die at our hands.” Sir, are you willing to surrender ‘monopoly of violence’ to the militants?

Q 6: Sir, if Prime Minister Imran Khan decides to end all disputes with the Islamic Republic of Iran and the militants oppose that decision. What would PM Imran Khan do? Would Pakistan’s foreign policy, under Imran Khan, be made by the State of Pakistan or the militants?

Q 7: Sir, you have rightly demanded from the Americans to stop their drone attacks. You have also asked the Pakistan Army to stop their operations. But, sir, you have never asked the militants to stop their murderous assaults.

Q 8: Sir, in your worldview Pakistani militants are the victims and America is the victimiser. How would you apply your victim-victimiser theory to the Malala tragedy?

Q 9: Sir, your official spokesperson, Mr Shafqat Mahmood, has said that an ‘end to drones will end the war’. Sir, isn’t that being a demagogue par excellence? Isn’t that overly simplistic? As you know, sir, our war began in 1994 when Sufi Mohammad took over Swat exactly 10 years before the first American drone showed up.

Q 10: Sir, has the Malala tragedy had any impact on your train of thought?

Albert Einstein: “The important thing is not to stop questioning.”

For a tax-clean Imran

Tax evasion from 1971 to 1992
We don't get serious answers and trolls are bombarding the questionnaires with immature comments.


Albert Einstein: The important thing is not to stop questioning"

This is exactly what I am talking about. A common Pakistani's approach is once they follow a leader, they will make him a God or Godess and they will put him in a high place where no one will be able to touch and question them. Each and every Pakistani's mentality is like this. We will question Allah every day for his motives but no one is allowed to ask any questions from IK or Nawaz Sharif or no one is allowed to criticize BB or Zardari or Bhutto. We will see the interview of PTI or PML officials for 2 hours but we will not spend 10 minutes reading a column about our leader and instead we will troll the writer BHAI ITNI LAMBI KITAB KYO LIKH DI. Okay here is the summary of this for all THE VERY BUSY INTELLECTUALS COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS BEING TOO LONG out there trolling on this post.

Give me a link to any interview where IK has stated his views about the following,
1: Kashmir Issue
2: What steps will he take for reigning the Army from interfering in politics
3: How will he make sure that the Talibans will keep the peace treaty
Taimoor, I don't agree with your logic of previous performance. Going by this logic no graduate fresh out of university would ever get a job because he would have no previous work experience. Fresh graduates still get hired on the basis of the potential value they can bring to an organization which is assessed by the employer. If an employer refuses to employ fresh graduates at all, it would only be because of their inability to assess the talents of an individual without looking at previous performance.

Additionally, we all know the previous performance of PMLN & PPP. I would rather choose someone with no previous performance in government but having integrity, an impeccable track record of hard work and achievement and a genuine care for the people of Pakistan. I would choose such a man any day over PMLN and PPP, the performance of which is known to us all.

Sir to be honest my family had been supporting IK when he started his political career. I was defending IK on facebook, twitter when there was no social media cell of PTI. I voted for Javed Hashmi in last elections because I liked the guy and his views. When he left the NA-55 seat, I didnt voted for anyone.
Now I want to ask a question to every one. Do you think we have time to give any new comer or a previous government another 5 years? Can we endure another 5 years of the current situation? The answer is simply NO. We need to be careful who we are voting for. This is whats our vote is all about. We need to ask the person about his policies and then make sure that we are doing the right thing bringing him in power. Forget PML and PPP, MQM and others.

Mansoor Chaudhry

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Solid questions ... I am sure no political party will dare to answer these ... including PTI and PML(N).

We should continue to find mard-e-momen among our leaders who can answer these questions which are basic policy questions.


Minister (2k+ posts)

you have some good questions and I think they are difficult to answer by any leader. They all tend to spin. Therefore, I strongly believe that people should vote for the best candidate in their area and should grill them and question them. This way leaders can be held accountables too as they live closer to you. Also, they should be asked about party policy and if they can't answer then they are not worth electing.


MPA (400+ posts)
If you want me to go only on the performance and history then I wont be able to vote for IK. because he has no previous performance. Although his history is good and he has been one of the most respected leaders.

You should Vote for zardari and nawaz in next elections, they have performance history.


MPA (400+ posts)
Well, I am not an official PTI representative but in light of your questions I know why I would support Imran Khan. Imran Khan has clearly answered these questions many times but that requires a little hard work to find out if you're not regularly following him. A little mashup of some of the answers is included!

Q1. A question IK has answered more than a million times, still some answers can be found in the links to Q2.

Q2. Imran Khan on the role of army

Q3. Frankly I don't the clear policy guideline but IK did say that unnecessary perks for bureaucrats will be withdrawn. And anti status quo stance includes correcting the evils of all the current forms of government!

Q4. A Corruption free Islamic Welfare State. Quite clear from his conduct and speech!

Q5. There is always a middle way, nevertheless we have to choose a way of our own interest

Q6. His policy on this issue quite open and clear and his three step peace plan can be found anywhere, in some the links above as well!

Q7. Openly rejects VIP culture in almost each of his talk and policy statement!


Q9. Economic Policy, answers all your questions

Q10. Giving the power back to people
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Councller (250+ posts)

Sir to be honest my family had been supporting IK when he started his political career. I was defending IK on facebook, twitter when there was no social media cell of PTI. I voted for Javed Hashmi in last elections because I liked the guy and his views. When he left the NA-55 seat, I didnt voted for anyone.
Noted, but this is your background - not relevant to my post or the answer to what I asked.

Now I want to ask a question to every one. Do you think we have time to give any new comer or a previous government another 5 years?
You seem to be contradicting yourself. Whoever will form the new government will either be a new comer or one of the parties previously in the government. It has to be one of the two, so I am not sure what you are saying when you ask if we have time to give a new comer or a previous government the next 5 years? New one or old one, has to be one of the two.

Can we endure another 5 years of the current situation? The answer is simply NO.
No, I agree. This is exactly why a new party that hasn't been in government before needs to be given a chance. Otherwise you end up having more of the current situation which you say and I agree that we cannot endure.

We need to be careful who we are voting for. This is whats our vote is all about. We need to ask the person about his policies and then make sure that we are doing the right thing bringing him in power.
You don't have to have had a government before to have any policies. PTI has not been in government and has published detailed policy papers. Read them.

Forget PML and PPP, MQM and others.
Doesn't work like that bro. You cannot judge any party in isolation. PML, PPP and MQM have to judged because they have led us to the pathetic situation we are in. You don't want more of the same. Or do you?

Mansoor Chaudhry

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Here are answers to the questions raised by Tamoor Ali Khan as if I am Imran Khan. Please note these answers are my answers not PTI answers and I am not PTI member or supporter. Thank you

Q1. There has always been a chant about ESTABLISHMENT. Who is this establishment and how have they gathered so much power over the 180 million Pakistanis and have become the masters of our fate. Politicians blame each other for being a part of the Establishment and Imran Khan has been accused several times for being a (pardon me) puppet of establishment. I want to know if Imran Khan is not a part of establishment then what is his stance on bringing them to their knees and how will he take the power from them.


Establishment is ruling class of Pakistan. Everyone sharing power or has connections is part of establishment. This class has connections in all sectors of Pakistan which include politicians, judiciary, arm forces, bureaucracy, private investors, feudal lords, media etc. So by this definition when I will be in power I will be part of Establishment. So will I bring the Establishment to knees, is that a question? If yes, then my answer is ‘NO’ however I will devote my self to change the mindset of Establishment so that it is more of nationalist and people oriented. The idea is not to kill the Establishment because Establishment is only defeated by another ‘Establishment’. Killing an existing Establishment could only be done with organised ‘blood revolution’ which our country is not in position to handle because of external environment. So art is to change scope of establishment so that Pakistan can become a welfare state.

Q2. The most organized power in Pakistan is the armed forces. But this organized power has ruled for almost half the time since independence. How will Imran Khan rein the generals and colonels so that they will remain in their barracks and stay away from the Presidency and Prime minister house?


Continuance of democracy is the only way to keeping army in barracks. So couple of things here we should focus on:

  1. Not to engage in direct confrontation with Arm forces i.e. try to avoid what Nawaz Sharif did in 1999 and Zardari did recently i.e. memo gate scandal;
  2. Listen to their thoughts and point of view. Try to make collective decisions;
  3. Choose COAS who is pro-democracy i.e. not to repeat the mistake of Butto and Nawaz Sharif who chose COAS based on specific agendas;
  4. Try to run a clean government without corruption so that Armed forced cannot black mail you.
  5. Support democratic forces and process in the country

As democratic process runs for few decades Army power will be automatically diluted as it happened in Turkey.

Q3. The second most powerful department of Pakistan is the Bureaucracy. They live in big palaces and are provided everything a man could possibly imagine, from the tax paid by the remaining 96% of Pakistanis. AFSAR SHAHI is the term used for them which was originally NOKAR SHAHI. They consider themselves to be masters of Pakistan and if I anyone wants to prove me wrong, try to meet with the director of any department of government or your local AC and DC, then you will understand what I mean. The highest level of corruption is done in these offices. As a result of which these people gain more power every day. What is Imran Khan’s stance on these bureaucrats will he remove all the benefits and palaces so that these bureaucrats are once again humans instead of some high power sent from above.

This is a tricky one. We will do this by applying two kind of measures, (short term and long term):
Short term:

  1. There are bureaucrats who are honest and corruption free. So we should identify these bureaucrats and put them into key positions.
  2. Stop accepting ‘references’

Long term:
The main step here will be to make more transparency in admitting people in civil services i.e. relatives of existing and corrupt officers will be discouraged and to promote professional class to be a part of this. In this way we will be able to clean civil services.

Q4. What kind of government does Imran Khan want in Pakistan, Islamized government or a moderate government? Keep in mind the180 million people of Pakistan and what they want. In my opinion there are only two kinds of states, Islamic State or a Secular (western inspired, moderate) State.


There is a simple answer to this. We need modern Islamic states not a theocratic state. So place of typical mullas and no place for liberal fascists.

Q5. America, its allies and their ties with Pakistan have always been one of the hot issues. What kind of ties does Imran Khan approve with the west? I already know what Imran Khan has said in the previous interviews about this question but I asked this question in another view. You see Sir, there are only 2 kinds of relationships you can have with the west. One, like the Islamic Republic of Iran where they truly stand for what they think is their right. And the other kind of relationship is like UK-USA, EU-USA, Saudi Arabia-USA, which I don’t need to elaborate. There is no middle way between these as the US has specified it several times in the past, I quote “Either you are with us or against us”. What kind of relationship do you think the people of Pakistan want and what kind of relationship you think is better for Pakistan?


There is always a middle way. Every country in the world has unique relation another country so your question either with us or against does not count in reality. This quote was given by one of the President of United States which does not seems to be a policy of United States. We don’t want to be Iran but we also don’t want to be Saudi Arabia. We need to understand other countries respect if a country stands its own feet. So idea is to make ourselves stronger. Stronger we become the scope of relationship will change.

Q6. You have debated a lot on security and peace in Pakistan and currently your peace march in the Waziristan was very popular. I supported the act as I, like many other Pakistanis also want our country to be peaceful. But the point that is bugging me is how can security and peace come in Pakistan when there are militants in the country? Who are these militants and where did they come from? How are they getting funded and how are they getting their training? The issue is not about a peace treaty with the Talibans or militants. The issue here is how they are able to breed their forces. This issue has very strong branches and all these branches lead to secret services of other countries, who are funding and training Talibans and other militant groups in different areas of Pakistan. Stopping the drone attacks in the Waziristan and FATA will only calm the local people who are angry on the deaths of their relatives. What about Baluchistan, Swat and other areas? Proof of foreign agencies funding the militant groups in Baluchistan is present but no political party or government has ever said a word about this. My question here is that how will you stop these militants and the foreign powers that are training and funding these militant groups, and once there is a peace treaty with the militants how will you keep them from breaking the treaty?


Security issues is one of the key issue we face at the moment. This is primarily because we are key stakeholder in American’s war on terror. As I said we need to disengage from this war through extensive negotiations with United States and Taliban. We should provide solid platform to both forces to do a pact. There is serious thought also in United States that Afghan Government should share power with Taliban as well. Once this issue is settle we could focus on restricting the aid provided by foreign countries to terrorist activities which is mainly routed from Afghanistan. Baluchistan issues is unique – there are various factors of uprising there. One of the factor we have is that some of the feudal lords are against other feudal lords. So once aid will be restricted from Afghanistan route I am sure these rebellion will ease down and they will have no choice to talk.

Q7. These days our military, police and other security departments are mostly engaged in protecting the PM, President, Members of Cabinet, MNAs, MPAs, High ranking government officials and other prominent politicians. All this is being funded by the People of Pakistan. PM’s motorcade consists of 50 to 150 cars. CM and Governors of provinces have the same security measures and they have several million rupees worth of automobiles. If the military and police are engaged in providing security to this handful, how do you expect them to provide security to the People of Pakistan? In Islamabad and Rawalpindi it is common to stop the traffic for several minutes to let the motorcades of PM, president or other officials, pass. Should we expect the same display from your government? Or are you going to use all this money and man power to some better use?



Q8. What is your stance on the Kashmir Issue? Let me give you an idea of how Pakistan Government has treated this issue in the past. Before 1999, we used to watch PTV news, each and every day we heard about the news of what is happening in Kashmir. It could be a 1 minute short story or a 10 minute long bulletin. Kashmir news was there each and every day so that we are aware of the situation and this issue does not die. But today it is discussed rarely on the mainstream media.

Our stance on Kashmir is simple that it should be resolved where solution is acceptable to Kashmiri people. We will accelerate the issue once we will be able to solve issues with Afghanistan.

Q9. Pakistan is an industrial and agricultural state. And during the past few years both of these sectors have been destroyed due to government policies and economic depreciation. Pakistan’s textile, leather, sports goods, furniture, fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products were once the best in the world. Today these sectors are dying. What does your government plan to do with them and what is your economic policy has to say about them?

In my view biggest problem we face at the moment is the shortage of power. We will take drastic steps to overcome this issue. Power should be available to industrial sector at low cost. This is the only way we can progress further.

Q10. The previous governments of Pakistan were known for hiding facts from the people. I personally think that all the power of a state is the people who are living in it. These people elect their representatives so that these representatives make policies and laws that are for the benefit of the state and its people. When the people of Pakistan are the power behind the Government of Pakistan, then The Government of Pakistan should come clean with the people. The people should be able to hold the officials accountable for any corruption or any other matter which goes against the benefit of the State. Do you agree to this? If yes then how do you plan to give the power of people back to them which has been taken from them and spread among the Government, Army and other departments.


Hiding facts is normal in all governments. Not all the facts are revealed to the public due to its sensitiveness however we should trust that Government of Pakistan (as elected by the people) will act in good faith. Moreover, bringing transparency into government affairs is best way forward.
People of Pakistan always have power … it is your decision whether you want use it or not. You can start doing this by casting your vote to the one who you think can best represent your concerns.

Pakistan Paindabad
Here are answers to the questions raised by Tamoor Ali Khan as if I am Imran Khan. Please note these answers are my answers not PTI answers and I am not PTI member or supporter. Thank you

Q1. There has always been a chant about ESTABLISHMENT. Who is this establishment and how have they gathered so much power over the 180 million Pakistanis and have become the masters of our fate. Politicians blame each other for being a part of the Establishment and Imran Khan has been accused several times for being a (pardon me) puppet of establishment. I want to know if Imran Khan is not a part of establishment then what is his stance on bringing them to their knees and how will he take the power from them.


Establishment is ruling class of Pakistan. Everyone sharing power or has connections is part of establishment. This class has connections in all sectors of Pakistan which include politicians, judiciary, arm forces, bureaucracy, private investors, feudal lords, media etc. So by this definition when I will be in power I will be part of Establishment. So will I bring the Establishment to knees, is that a question? If yes, then my answer is NO however I will devote my self to change the mindset of Establishment so that it is more of nationalist and people oriented. The idea is not to kill the Establishment because Establishment is only defeated by another Establishment. Killing an existing Establishment could only be done with organised blood revolution which our country is not in position to handle because of external environment. So art is to change scope of establishment so that Pakistan can become a welfare state.

Q2. The most organized power in Pakistan is the armed forces. But this organized power has ruled for almost half the time since independence. How will Imran Khan rein the generals and colonels so that they will remain in their barracks and stay away from the Presidency and Prime minister house?


Continuance of democracy is the only way to keeping army in barracks. So couple of things here we should focus on:

  1. Not to engage in direct confrontation with Arm forces i.e. try to avoid what Nawaz Sharif did in 1999 and Zardari did recently i.e. memo gate scandal;
  2. Listen to their thoughts and point of view. Try to make collective decisions;
  3. Choose COAS who is pro-democracy i.e. not to repeat the mistake of Butto and Nawaz Sharif who chose COAS based on specific agendas;
  4. Try to run a clean government without corruption so that Armed forced cannot black mail you.
  5. Support democratic forces and process in the country

As democratic process runs for few decades Army power will be automatically diluted as it happened in Turkey.

Q3. The second most powerful department of Pakistan is the Bureaucracy. They live in big palaces and are provided everything a man could possibly imagine, from the tax paid by the remaining 96% of Pakistanis. AFSAR SHAHI is the term used for them which was originally NOKAR SHAHI. They consider themselves to be masters of Pakistan and if I anyone wants to prove me wrong, try to meet with the director of any department of government or your local AC and DC, then you will understand what I mean. The highest level of corruption is done in these offices. As a result of which these people gain more power every day. What is Imran Khans stance on these bureaucrats will he remove all the benefits and palaces so that these bureaucrats are once again humans instead of some high power sent from above.

This is a tricky one. We will do this by applying two kind of measures, (short term and long term):
Short term:

  1. There are bureaucrats who are honest and corruption free. So we should identify these bureaucrats and put them into key positions.
  2. Stop accepting references

Long term:
The main step here will be to make more transparency in admitting people in civil services i.e. relatives of existing and corrupt officers will be discouraged and to promote professional class to be a part of this. In this way we will be able to clean civil services.

Q4. What kind of government does Imran Khan want in Pakistan, Islamized government or a moderate government? Keep in mind the180 million people of Pakistan and what they want. In my opinion there are only two kinds of states, Islamic State or a Secular (western inspired, moderate) State.


There is a simple answer to this. We need modern Islamic states not a theocratic state. So place of typical mullas and no place for liberal fascists.

Q5. America, its allies and their ties with Pakistan have always been one of the hot issues. What kind of ties does Imran Khan approve with the west? I already know what Imran Khan has said in the previous interviews about this question but I asked this question in another view. You see Sir, there are only 2 kinds of relationships you can have with the west. One, like the Islamic Republic of Iran where they truly stand for what they think is their right. And the other kind of relationship is like UK-USA, EU-USA, Saudi Arabia-USA, which I dont need to elaborate. There is no middle way between these as the US has specified it several times in the past, I quote Either you are with us or against us. What kind of relationship do you think the people of Pakistan want and what kind of relationship you think is better for Pakistan?


There is always a middle way. Every country in the world has unique relation another country so your question either with us or against does not count in reality. This quote was given by one of the President of United States which does not seems to be a policy of United States. We dont want to be Iran but we also dont want to be Saudi Arabia. We need to understand other countries respect if a country stands its own feet. So idea is to make ourselves stronger. Stronger we become the scope of relationship will change.

Q6. You have debated a lot on security and peace in Pakistan and currently your peace march in the Waziristan was very popular. I supported the act as I, like many other Pakistanis also want our country to be peaceful. But the point that is bugging me is how can security and peace come in Pakistan when there are militants in the country? Who are these militants and where did they come from? How are they getting funded and how are they getting their training? The issue is not about a peace treaty with the Talibans or militants. The issue here is how they are able to breed their forces. This issue has very strong branches and all these branches lead to secret services of other countries, who are funding and training Talibans and other militant groups in different areas of Pakistan. Stopping the drone attacks in the Waziristan and FATA will only calm the local people who are angry on the deaths of their relatives. What about Baluchistan, Swat and other areas? Proof of foreign agencies funding the militant groups in Baluchistan is present but no political party or government has ever said a word about this. My question here is that how will you stop these militants and the foreign powers that are training and funding these militant groups, and once there is a peace treaty with the militants how will you keep them from breaking the treaty?


Security issues is one of the key issue we face at the moment. This is primarily because we are key stakeholder in Americans war on terror. As I said we need to disengage from this war through extensive negotiations with United States and Taliban. We should provide solid platform to both forces to do a pact. There is serious thought also in United States that Afghan Government should share power with Taliban as well. Once this issue is settle we could focus on restricting the aid provided by foreign countries to terrorist activities which is mainly routed from Afghanistan. Baluchistan issues is unique there are various factors of uprising there. One of the factor we have is that some of the feudal lords are against other feudal lords. So once aid will be restricted from Afghanistan route I am sure these rebellion will ease down and they will have no choice to talk.

Q7. These days our military, police and other security departments are mostly engaged in protecting the PM, President, Members of Cabinet, MNAs, MPAs, High ranking government officials and other prominent politicians. All this is being funded by the People of Pakistan. PMs motorcade consists of 50 to 150 cars. CM and Governors of provinces have the same security measures and they have several million rupees worth of automobiles. If the military and police are engaged in providing security to this handful, how do you expect them to provide security to the People of Pakistan? In Islamabad and Rawalpindi it is common to stop the traffic for several minutes to let the motorcades of PM, president or other officials, pass. Should we expect the same display from your government? Or are you going to use all this money and man power to some better use?



Q8. What is your stance on the Kashmir Issue? Let me give you an idea of how Pakistan Government has treated this issue in the past. Before 1999, we used to watch PTV news, each and every day we heard about the news of what is happening in Kashmir. It could be a 1 minute short story or a 10 minute long bulletin. Kashmir news was there each and every day so that we are aware of the situation and this issue does not die. But today it is discussed rarely on the mainstream media.

Our stance on Kashmir is simple that it should be resolved where solution is acceptable to Kashmiri people. We will accelerate the issue once we will be able to solve issues with Afghanistan.

Q9. Pakistan is an industrial and agricultural state. And during the past few years both of these sectors have been destroyed due to government policies and economic depreciation. Pakistans textile, leather, sports goods, furniture, fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products were once the best in the world. Today these sectors are dying. What does your government plan to do with them and what is your economic policy has to say about them?

In my view biggest problem we face at the moment is the shortage of power. We will take drastic steps to overcome this issue. Power should be available to industrial sector at low cost. This is the only way we can progress further.

Q10. The previous governments of Pakistan were known for hiding facts from the people. I personally think that all the power of a state is the people who are living in it. These people elect their representatives so that these representatives make policies and laws that are for the benefit of the state and its people. When the people of Pakistan are the power behind the Government of Pakistan, then The Government of Pakistan should come clean with the people. The people should be able to hold the officials accountable for any corruption or any other matter which goes against the benefit of the State. Do you agree to this? If yes then how do you plan to give the power of people back to them which has been taken from them and spread among the Government, Army and other departments.


Hiding facts is normal in all governments. Not all the facts are revealed to the public due to its sensitiveness however we should trust that Government of Pakistan (as elected by the people) will act in good faith. Moreover, bringing transparency into government affairs is best way forward.
People of Pakistan always have power it is your decision whether you want use it or not. You can start doing this by casting your vote to the one who you think can best represent your concerns.

Pakistan Paindabad

What I mean by asking these questions is that when I am voting for Imran Khan in the future, I know I am doing the right thing. I respect IK more than anyone in the Pakistani politics. And to tell you the truth, for ten years I haven't heard a single word from any PTI member about the Kashmir Issue. And I sent these questions to PTI officials on 5th Nov 2012, And I was glad to see today that IK will announce his Kashmir policy on 15 NOV. I dont know if they really did read my email or IK said this himself. I am really really happy that atleast he took notice of the issue.
Noted, but this is your background - not relevant to my post or the answer to what I asked.

You seem to be contradicting yourself. Whoever will form the new government will either be a new comer or one of the parties previously in the government. It has to be one of the two, so I am not sure what you are saying when you ask if we have time to give a new comer or a previous government the next 5 years? New one or old one, has to be one of the two

I want a new government to come and I want IK to come in power. But I want to be sure that he is the right choice for us.

No, I agree. This is exactly why a new party that hasn't been in government before needs to be given a chance. Otherwise you end up having more of the current situation which you say and I agree that we cannot endure.

You don't have to have had a government before to have any policies. PTI has not been in government and has published detailed policy papers. Read them.

Doesn't work like that bro. You cannot judge any party in isolation. PML, PPP and MQM have to judged because they have led us to the pathetic situation we are in. You don't want more of the same. Or do you?i

I know these people will have the same policies before the elections and change their tactics once they come in power. e.g PPP slogan before election ROOTI KAPRA OR MAKAAN and look where we are in the last five years. To give you an example, I know a die hard Jiala who had a 20 year old car in 2007 who was always complaining about business in Pakistan and in 2009 he bought a 15 million ruppees worth of BMW (last owner of which is a current MINISTER's Son) and his office was swarming with PPP senators.

MQM is AK47 party and I ask myself this, do I want to bring a party whose supreme leader is afraid of coming back to his own country? Whose leader is afraid of coming back to his own city when his Party is in the government. So should I trust the life of my family to a bunch of idiots who cant even protect their own leader.

PML (N) several roads, bridges, youth festivals in the current government, but is a bunch of weak lowlife thugs who cant even show the world what happened with the QARZ UTARO MULK SUNWARO money. Billions were given by the people of Pakistan and only millions were added in the treasury.

Thankyou for your answer. Pakistan Zindabad


Councller (250+ posts)
I want a new government to come and I want IK to come in power. But I want to be sure that he is the right choice for us.
Feel free to assess the policies, but all assessment should be in comparison and not in isolation. Previous government experience, as we were discussing, is irrelevant and not necessary.

I know these people will have the same policies before the elections and change their tactics once they come in power.
Strongly disagree. PTI is totally different from PPP. We (the Pakistani people) elected a party that was inherited by Zardari and Bilawal like personal property passed through generations. What did we expect from Zardari that everyone knows as corrupt and still voted for his party? Just because PPP have done this and we have elected them like blindfolded fools, does not mean we can say that we know PTI will do the same. You cannot use the phrase "I know" for the future. You can say "I believe", "I think", "It is my judgement" and then explain the rationale for why you believe so. That can lead to a logical discussion. PPP having done this is not a valid argument to say PTI will do the same.

Rest of your post, I agree with.

Mansoor Chaudhry

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)

What I mean by asking these questions is that when I am voting for Imran Khan in the future, I know I am doing the right thing. I respect IK more than anyone in the Pakistani politics. And to tell you the truth, for ten years I haven't heard a single word from any PTI member about the Kashmir Issue. And I sent these questions to PTI officials on 5th Nov 2012, And I was glad to see today that IK will announce his Kashmir policy on 15 NOV. I dont know if they really did read my email or IK said this himself. I am really really happy that atleast he took notice of the issue.

My humble answers were that these sort of answers one should look for .... ab mujay nahi pata Imran Khan kia jawaab dayta hain .... If I were to ask someone these questions then I expect the above answers from the leader .... ab tum jano aur Imran Khan ka jawaab janay ... enjoy ;)