3-D Map Of Universe Shows Positions Of Known Galaxies In Unprecedented Detail


Minister (2k+ posts)
who cares abt spellings on an online forum???? i use sumone.. doez it matter if i use someone or sumone?? lolz.. i work at surrey uni space deppt...

and if u dont know then google it and see how planets are discovered... even bends in light are calculated.. i dont know in which tunnel u been sleeping but thats how its done and its pretty accurate...

we know the real radius of earth now.. so how come mathematical approximation done long ago was so close to real value???

and science is not a religion... u cannot select between science and islam.. science needs proofs or atleast explanation of theories.. while religion is belief.. only an idiot would compare both... im not reconciling anything.. am telling u that i am a muslim who believes in Allah but i believe in science too..

and u sed urself that most of science was started by muslims...so the muslim scientists at that time dint believe in God??? if they did.. n they believe that everything is created and run by God then y did they do their research?? did they have any doubt?? lolzzz..

What is space department ? where you work I mean

If you are so highly educated why is your English so poor ? Like several spelling errors e.g Department has no e in it and sumone is someone.......

What was the last Planet you found then ? since you know how to find one ...... through slight tilts in its orbit ? trillions of miles away. You assume that is the way to find "planets".......... or those who taught you do....... but if what you are seeing is from thousands of years ago....... what have you found ?

approximation near to reality ? Only if you KNOW the reality can you judge its approximation, and if you know reality then why approximation and not exact ?

And your belief in evolution is laughable,....... You believe in evolution but NOT man from Apes.........

So all else is Darwinism but Humans are God made ? Well you now have YOUR OWN little theory then ..........

Muslims need to study Science ? Most of it was started by Muslims....... Esp the mathematics of it

You are trying to somehow reconcile Modern "Science" which is based entirely on the denial of God and everything is an accident

with Islam.........

It does not work.

Either Allah is the controller for every single little thing that has ever happened (Islam) or it just happened (No God)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I thought it was called the Surrey Space Centre, not Surrey University Space Department but it does not matter I guess if you do not call where you work by its real name

You cannot choose between Science and Religion ?

What when they are in direct conflict, when Islam says Allah Almighty is responsible for everything and Science says its all an accident ? There is not conflict there ?

You believe in Darwinism and that everything came from slime, by accident, and birds and snakes and elephants and Whales and tree dwellers all evolved from the slime....

BUT Humans were not part of this process. So Allah made everything and then left it to do its own thing, for billions of years and then when the World was right he sent Adam and Eve ?

BTW Did they exist or were they just an accident too ?