
  1. K

    Please don't get your thoughts driven by media

    My humble request is to those who are concious, sincere and believe on one of the most important blessing of Allah, which is called brain. I felt these days media is capturing us and trying to force us to think what they want us to think. I don't say everything presented in media is wrong. But...
  2. B

    What are your after thoughts for this new program?

  3. Pakistani1947

    When all the Muslim follow one and the same Quran then why are there so many sects and different sch

    Question: When all the Muslim follow one and the same Qur’an then why are there so many sects and different schools of thoughts among Muslims? Answer:. 1. Muslims Should be United It is a fact that Muslims today, are divided amongst themselves. The tragedy...
  4. sherazopel

    Please Share your thoughts about how to get rid of energy crises

    The Government is not going to do anything about the load shedding. i am not in Pakistan but whenever i talk to someone there they told me about it so how we can get out of this? any idea??????
  5. 11th Hour

    11th Hour - 25th April 2011 - Hamid Saeed Kazmi & Azam Swati - Thoughts Of Hamid Saeed Kazmi & Discl

  6. V

    White House Thoughts About Pakistan
