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    Dajjal Kon Hai - Dr Israr Ahmed

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    Who is the real power behind terrorism ??General Shahid Aziz (R) telling story

    1052141404812076 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1052141404812076&set=vb.539842476041974&type=3&theater
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    Dr Israr Ahmad about Eid Milad un Nabi (S.A.W.W )

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    Imran Khan warned in *2004* about Military Operation's aftereffects

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    Current situation & root cause analysis

    http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2d67r2_dr-israr-ahmad-telling-real-story-about-pakistani-taliban_news What is the reason of current situation of Pakistan? root cause analysis is a must thing to do for appropriate solution of our problems.. When Musharraf received call from US for coalition...
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    Quran men Pakistan ka Zikr. . .Must listen?? Where we went Wrong??

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    What is Jewish Agenda?? Must Listen.

    10152192629122267 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152192629122267&set=vb.23009582266&type=3&theater
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    Why America and its allies are so afraid of Pakistan and Afghanistan? Why they want to destabilize t

    10152437422022267 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152437422022267&set=vb.23009582266&type=2&theater
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    Lies of Zaid Hamid About Dr Israr Ahmad

    when zaid hamid was feeling pressure from everywhere about yusuf kazzaab issue, he decided to portray that some scholars also support him... Dr Israr was one of such scholars... zaid hamid lied that dr israr ahmad and tanzeem-e-islami supporst me and my views..... so these lies were exposed...