
  1. thechosenone

    <-!-> My Jihad Is... What's Yours? <-!->

  2. ealtaf

    Kashmiris to Continue Struggle Till Success

    Srinagar, September 03 (KMS): In occupied Kashmir, veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani has said that the people of Kashmir have vowed to continue peaceful struggle for Kashmir liberation till its logical end despite all odds. Syed Ali Gilani during his visit to the residences of...
  3. crankthskunk

    I will continue my struggle until MY LAST BREATH: ALTAF HUSSAIN

    The mouthpiece is back, and informed his supporters he would continue the struggle until his last breath. In other words, the killing and bhatta khori in Karachi would continue, until the day he die. Lets hope it is sooner than later.
  4. L

    Pakistanis struggle in flood aftermath

    Dozens of people were killed in flooding triggered by monsoon rains in Kohistan, a remote area of Pakistan. Many are still missing. An entire village was all but destroyed after days of heavy rain caused landslides and the nearby Kandi River burst its banks. Military helicopters are in the area...
  5. littlemaster

    Mqm's struggle to hire solicitors to defend mr altaf husain.

  6. 1 ummah

    The Struggle between Haq & Batil
  7. digitalzygot

    Sudan breakup, Palestinians struggle for their own nation, Israel and US lies, cunningness & decepti

    A former US ambassador to the United Nations says a Palestinian attempt to gain UN recognition with or without a peace agreement with Israel means "next to nothing" even if it succeeds. The Bush administration UN envoy John Bolton says the General Assembly is certain to support the Palestinian...
  8. hroonj2k3

    Inspiring Struggle & Vision of Quaid-e-Imran Life Journey

    Inspiring Struggle & Vision of Quaid-e-Imran Life Journey So looking forward for his Book release in September
  9. mohib

    MQM will be back and Internal power struggle in MQM

  10. PkRevolution

    Hizb ut Tahrir, Who are they? Aims? Is Khilafat anti Islamic? Struggle against capatalism a crime??

    Hizb ut Tahrir behind Arab Revolutions? A Big YES Why Pakistan ARMY Brig. and majors are in Army's custody??? Planing of Revolution in Pakistan??? Must watch Video Clips to understand. 3 March 1924 was the last day of Khilafat in Turkey. Before we understand Hizb ut Tahrir, we must...
  11. canadian

    Pakistan"s Govt,Army Engaged In Power Struggle !!!!

    Bin Laden raid debacle leaves Pakistans rulers scrambling Published On Thu May 5 2011 General Ashfaq Kayani, chief of Pakistans army, convened a special strategy session Thursday. AAMIR QURESHI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES By Rick Westhead South Asia Bureau ISLAMABADAs the worlds...
