
  1. msrx5jj2

    India-US secret game : the Butterfly Effect Theory

    "In retrospect, the initiation of Pakistan Spring has already started. It is in its initial phase. Once it gains momentum, it becomes Katrina." The writer uses the butterfly effect theory to analyse how the US and India are working together to undo Pakistan. For the full copyrighted...
  2. Pak1stani

    WikiLeaks released all secret documents

    Previous WikiLeaks news were just selective pieces of information selected by few Newspapers. Now WikiLeaks has released all the document for every one and lets see what news information they will bring about Pakistani Politicians establishment etc.
  3. biomat

    Libya usa hidden secret documents revealed something different..

  4. maksyed

    (SECRET REPORTS) Joint Interrogation Report about MQM (Altaf) Terrorists

    Joint Interrogation Report about MQM (Altaf) Terrorist Habib-ur-Rehman (MQM-A) Murad Akhtar (MQM-A) Mohd. Sultan @ Couple (MQM-A)
  5. msrx5jj2

    Pakistan: The India - US secret game

    "One would expect everything from India. But what has the Obama administration done to Pakistan is not only an unprecedented betrayal of a long time ally but also a declaration of war and an open intent to undo Pakistan." For the full copyrighted material visit...
  6. L

    With CIA help, NYPD built secret effort to monitor mosques, daily life of Muslim neighborhoods

    NEW YORK — Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the New York Police Department has become one of the nation’s most aggressive domestic intelligence agencies, targeting ethnic communities in ways that would run afoul of civil liberties rules if practiced by the federal government, an Associated...
  7. A

    The Secret. - Documentary

    Watch this documentary and learn something vital for and about Human life., and leave your comments as well.
  8. canadian

    Impressions & Observations" of Secret Service personnel assigned to guard U.S. Presidents !!

    John and Jacqueline Kennedy: A philanderer of the highest order. She ordered the kitchen help to save all the left-over wine during State dinner, which mixed with fresh wine and served again during the next White House occasion. Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson: Another philanderer of the highest...
  9. S

    American secret service agent's opinion of president Asif Ali Zardari

    Here are snippets from a book of "Impressions & Observations" of Secret Service personnel assigned to guard U.S. Presidents/First Ladies, and Vice Presidents. Asif Ali Zardari the President of Pakistan was the the biggest idiot ever protected by the service. He tried to hit upon the female...
  10. L

    The US military's secret military, US commandos are deployed in about 75 countries

    Special US commandos are deployed in about 75 countries around the world - and that number is expected to grow. US special forces, like the Navy Seals, are now more actively engaged in more overseas operations[GALLO/GETTY] Somewhere on this planet a US commando is carrying out a...
  11. L

    America's (No More) Secret War - Mind Control

  12. L

    The temple of Solomon, the secret is out

  13. Faiza

    Food - The Ultimate Secret Exposed

  14. L

    U.S. Naval Ships Now Being Used As Secret Black Site Prisons!

  15. L

    Rs.1 lakh crore ($22 billion) treasure discovered in secret vaults of Kerala temple - Hun Fer Mojaan

    By Indo Asian News Service, IANS Thiruvananthapuram, July 3 (IANS) The erstwhile royal family of Travancore in Kerala is thrilled that valuables worth thousands of crores have been discovered in the chambers of a temple it manages. A Supreme Court appointed committee is opening six chambers...
  16. Geek

    CIA's secret Iraq weapon revealed: a Saddam gay sex tape

    Bizarre US plots included exploding cigars to kill Fidel Castro and fake video of Osama bin Laden's campfire drinking In their time, America's secret agencies have tried some outlandish schemes to attack their country's enemies, including, most famously, an attempt to do away with...
  17. mrcritic

    US is building a secret CIA air base in YEMEN - why? READ!

    KHALEEJ TIMES: Preparing for a worst-case scenario in Yemen, the US is building a secret CIA air base in case anti-American factions win the current power struggle and shut US forces out. Preparing for a worst-case scenario in Yemen, the United States is building a secret CIA air base in the...
  18. haqiqat

    Secret US and Afghanistan talks could see troops stay for decades

    US-Afghanistan security negotiations continue despite Hillary Clinton saying recently that Washington did not want any 'permanent bases in Afghanistan'. Photograph: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images American and Afghan officials are locked in increasingly acrimonious...
  19. swisspak

    The Secret (World Government)

    THE SECRET BILDERBERG GROUP MEETING: Why no coverage by mainstream media? June 12, 2011 (MONROE, WA) -- A recent Internet report caught the collective eyes of the scribes at the mighty Chronicle. It went like...
  20. biomat

    Illuminati secret world societies [hd] - industry 2011 2012
