
  1. The_Choice

    Hamre Ghar Ki 50% Islah Aaj Hosakti

    Hamre Ghar Ki 50% Islah Aaj Hosakti Uskeliye Hume Kya Karna Hoga By Adv Faiz Syed
  2. The_Choice

    Islamic Education Series Grades 1-12 (Set of 12 eBooks)

    Given the dire need for Islamic studies material in schools incorporating the subject in English. Dar-us-salam has endeavored to publish an Islamic Studies series covering all the grades, from grade one through grade twelve. This series covers all areas of Islamic studies: tafseer, hadeeth...
  3. The_Choice

    Devils Trap (MUST WATCH)

    We all love our children, Alhamdulillah. We only want what is best for them and Shaytan (May Allah curse him) knows this. He is a very patient hunter who is so conniving that his prey is clueless to his grand scheme. He makes us believe at times that the things we do for our children so they...
  4. Q

    Bold remarks of a 7th grade Pakistani student over unwanted aggression by India

    7th class ki pakistani student ka india ko jawab, plz share and like.
  5. Q

    Kids Views on Terrorism

    Dear All, AOA, My kids made their first video, and I feel proud of their effort because it is for a cause, they drafted and recorded on their own masha Allah. Kindly have a look, If you can comment on youtube/dailymotion page it will be highly appreciated, because they look at it every day...
  6. M

    Summer Activities For Kids

  7. U

    Wow, check this Kid's dance you will forget all professional dancers

    watch here a kid dancing steps it's amazing :lol::lol::lol: just watch here and comment your thoughts.
  8. MileStone

    Song - I Kissed a Girl - What music is doing to our kids

    Rock n Roll today is surely under the influence of Shaitan and most of the music produced nowadays is spreading the message that, do whatever you desire and do not worry about the morals and values. All these musicians have sold their souls to devil and serving the shaitaan and misleading our...
  9. ealtaf

    29 Somali kids died over past 24 hours

    Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:12AM GMT Reported by Press TV Iran A malnourished child awaits medical attention at the Banadir hospital on August 16, 2011 in Mogadishu, Somalia. At least 29 children have died of hunger over the past 24 hours in famine-stricken Somalia as death threatens the lives of...
  10. S

    Shame on india:even pakistan kids can kick ur!!!!!!!

  11. johny

    For PTI kids, 100 day plan is not a new thing

    PM gillani anouncing 100 day plan in 2008
  12. K

    Expat accuses Saudi ex-wife of denying access to kids - Must read this article
  13. biomat

    Cheap pesticide, costly harvest: Kids genetically poisoned in India

  14. U

    Zardari is father of all unknown parentage kids

    Zardari is father of all ‘unknown parentage’ kids By: Kaswar Klasra | Published: June 15, 2011 ISLAMABAD - In an attempt to legalise the status of a large number of children who were born legally, but their parentage was unknown, President Asif Ali Zardari asked the National Database...
  15. Bilal_Mushi

    Kids given substandard water in CM house Punjab

    Kids given substandard water in CM’s house The children have been drinking unsafe water during a function at Chief Minister’s House. The function was arranged to honour the children who achieved positions in declamation and essay-writing contests. Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif...
  16. arnold_mic

    Abbottabad's opreation picture leaked!lolzz*NO*But it has left bad impact on Kids.

  17. Tilloo

    Kids Training to Table Tennis in China

  18. A

    Real Man who have 51 kids live in current time. One is here with his talent.

  19. billo786

    Nice and Informative Islamic Website Links Thread

    3D virtual tour in Birthplace of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Alhamdulillah
