

    More evidence 9/11 and 7/7 are inside jobs - Alex Jones and Tony Farrell exposing conspiracy.

  2. sherazopel

    Terrorism's Big Dirty Secret - Alex Jones

    Alex Jones exposes the biggest hoax of all behind the threat of terrorism and the idea that Americans should give up their freedoms only to live cowering in fear.
  3. mohib

    PROOF!!! Obama Birth Certificate Fraud - Alex Jones

    The Obama administration finally laid to rest all the rumors of the place of his birth with the release of his long form birth certificate. But closer inspection has prompted more questions than answers. For starters there are numerous layers. Some of the numerical characters look as if they...
  4. biomat

    Good Friday for Trial? Koran-burning Terry Jones plans new protest

  5. funkymonk

    Video worth watching - Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley ripped India apart: On Alex Jones Show

    I dont know who these guys are .. but they ripped India apart
  6. karachiwala

    Terri Jones Vows New Anti-Islam Protest - Khabees

  7. karachiwala

    Regular FOX Contributor Charles Payne This Is About A One World Government * The Alex Jon

  8. H

    What do you make of this? Alex Jones says, Pentagon Preparing for Martial Law

  9. Front Line

    Front Line - 25th March 2011 - Javed Ahmad Ghamdi & J Salik - Incident of Quran burning By Terry Jon