
  1. M

    Bollywood connection with Underworld Dons and Gangs

    MUMBAI: A leaked US diplomatic cable revealed by Wikileaks said that Bollywood welcomed funding from gangsters and politicians, known in India as "black money." The cable said that in recent decades, the Bollywood film industry has been associated with the notorious Mumbai underworld, at the...
  2. canadian

    Gangs Of Karachi !!

    Gangs of Karachi Posted By From the Newspaper On August 8, 2011 WE all know what is wrong with Karachi: every other day death descends on its streets to take innocent victims and then goes back to its lair only to return in a never-ending cycle. The real dilemma is how to disrupt this routine...
  3. S

    Report: Many weapons used by Mexican drug gangs originate in U.S. By Ed Payne, CNN

    Does this mean Mexico, should bomb places by drones where guns are being manufactured in United States ? Borders are hard to monitor in every country, may be US should learn something !!! Report: Many weapons used by Mexican drug gangs originate in U.S. By Ed Payne, CNN June 14, 2011 10:25 a.m...
  4. biomat


    If you are new to these pages, please read an introduction on the structure of a cable as well as how to discuss them with others. See also the FAQs Understanding cables Every cable message consists of three parts: The top box shows each cables unique reference number, when and by whom...
  5. S

    'Armed gangs (or MQM/PPP/ST gangs) outnumber police in Karachi

    The cable notes that the “ST is a small religious/political group with a presence in small pockets of Karachi. The group has only managed to win a handful of council seats in local elections but militarily it is disproportionately powerful because of the influx of MQM-H gunmen. ST has organised...
  6. D

    SHINING INDIA: Kidnap gangs continue to thrive in Delhi Kidnap gangs continue to thrive in Delhi (clap)(clap)(clap) About five children go missing in the capital every day with many falling prey to begging and drug traffickers Police refused to file report for...
