
  1. M

    Taqlid - The Ahle Sunnah wal Jamah Concept

    Taqlid can be defined as the acceptance of a mujtahid's statements (fatawa) without knowing his references (evidences) [an-Nawawi, Tazeeb; and Qadi Shawkani, Irshad al-Fahul] There is a consensus amongst the majority of Muslims that we should follow the four major Imams in matters of Shari'a...
  2. Joker

    Is Allah a Reality or a Concept

    Is Allah a Reality or a Concept by Prof Akhter Rafique Ahmed
  3. Night_Hawk

    An interesting concept for a layman like to understand what is a global or local recession..! :)

    Phajja in Lahore is the proprietor of a famous Siri-Paya and Nehari Shop in Lahore . Sales are low and, in order to increase them, he comes up with a plan to allow his customers to eat now and pay later. He keeps track of the meals consumed on a ledger. Word gets around and as a result...
  4. L

    Airbus Cabin of the Future (2050) Concept

  5. News Watch

    News Watch - 20th May 2011 - Imran Khan - Protest of Imran Khan's on Drone Attacks, Load Shedding on

  6. Nawazish

    Chinese concept Train- The Train that never stops

  7. B

    Professor Ahmad Rafique on Concept of Dua (MUST MUST WATCH)

    This lecture is by Professor Rafiq Akhtar. There are 18 videos about 7 minutes long each. I request everyone to watch. Very unique approach by professor. :jazak: I am only posting 3 videos, but you can watch other videos on Youtube.
  8. Khari Baat

    Khari Baat - 19th April 2011 - Concept of Slave Girls, Divorce & Four Marriages In ISLAM
