
  1. H

    PTI ki Punjab policy

  2. student

    Pakistan should be based on pure foundation of Islamic social-Ism not anyother Ism: Our Quaid( SAFMA!
  3. Keepinformed Anti Altaf Hussain Website with Leaked Terror Videos

    I got this link on this website today and it was also mentioned in Aapas Ki Baat on GeoNews TV. It contains all the videos of Altaf Hussain's Terrorists. We should encourage this.
  4. Wadaich

    SAFMA: List of the Pakistani Loser Journalists Who Are Members of SAFMA and a Tool of RAW to Stabili

    Please mark all these sorry figures and be aware of their venomous propagan.da against Paksitan. Follow them on their social networking sites pages and show them their true face and cut the illuminating tails of these moles. Here are the loosers who are the members of SAFMA: 1. I A...
  5. L

    Bolivia, Venezuela and Iran - Anti American Club

    The Islamo-Bolivarian threat Should the US be worried about the close relationship between Iran and Venezuela? Recent years have seen an increasingly close relationship between Venezuela and Iran [EPA] In early July, the US Congressional Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and...
  6. itsnotme90

    Who is Anti Pakistan watch this 2 min Video

    If we give people their rights Pakistan can be saved otherwise we hav situation in baluchistan & we cant face another situation in Karachi.
  7. PkRevolution

    Hizb ut Tahrir, Who are they? Aims? Is Khilafat anti Islamic? Struggle against capatalism a crime??

    Hizb ut Tahrir behind Arab Revolutions? A Big YES Why Pakistan ARMY Brig. and majors are in Army's custody??? Planing of Revolution in Pakistan??? Must watch Video Clips to understand. 3 March 1924 was the last day of Khilafat in Turkey. Before we understand Hizb ut Tahrir, we must...
  8. J

    Canadian Immigration:: Humiliation For Fake Anti MQM Propaganda. کینڈین امیگرشن کے لئے ایم کیو ا&#1 In Pakistan there is a fashion of blaming MQM for everything, people who never visited Karachi blame MQM for every crime that occurred in Karachi without proofs because of...
  9. D

    Anti government Pakistani media. Why most of the news channels specially jeo running anti government

    First of all, I should mention here that I am not a PPP supporter. Am simply a professional who have some concern about current negative role of our media specially against democratic government. It's very sad to watch that majority of anchor, sparing few like Talat Hussain, seems to have a...
  10. FaisalLatif

    Pak-India semifinal: Mohali declared no-fly zone. Drones on surveillance . Anti Aircraft missiles in

    CHANDIGARH: With the fever touching the skies ahead of Pak-India semifinal, the mother of all matches, in Mohali, Indian government was taking all possible security measures to secure the Wednesday's encounter to be attended by the top leadership of both the countries. Anti-aircraft guns...
