Pakistan should be based on pure foundation of Islamic social-Ism not anyother Ism: Our Quaid( SAFMA


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
If same kind of scenario took place in Indian they would kill the guy who would talk against anything self concocted Indian she is abusing the freedom granted to her which is much more than what so called Democracy gives to Muslims.

It is shame full that Indian keep claims to be the biggest Democracy and have no right to do so as it oppress all its minorities be it Muslims, Christians,Dolits, and all others who do not accept their dictates or do not look Aryan, it is down right shameful.

Hypocrites of the worst kind


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
اے اجنٹو اور حکمرانو مت بھولو دانیل پارل کا کیا حشر ہوا تھا


MPA (400+ posts)
There is no statement of Quaid about Islam-ism after the creation of pakistan. In fact his Policy speech on 11 August 1947 tells a whole different story.

February,1948. “The Constitution of Pakistan has yet to be framed——-I am sure it will be of a democratic type embodying the essential principles of Islam. Today, they are as applicable in modern times, as these were 1300 years ago———in any case, Pakistan is NOT going to be a Theocratic State——-to be ruled by the priests with a Divine mission.”