The Compound Effect Audiobook Complete by: Darren Hardy


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

The Compound Effect Audiobook Complete by: Darren Hardy
Spastic geriatrics book purr threads good i didnt know u like good books

sumujh kuch aatee bhee hae iss umar mein

chuloe fazool bukwas threads toe bund keeyae lol


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Spastic geriatrics book purr threads good i didnt know u like good books

sumujh kuch aatee bhee hae iss umar mein

chuloe fazool bukwas threads toe bund keeyae lol

Some people born to bark , they have a special name „ DOG „ .
As concerning my book reading habit , the number of books you have read in your whole life , most probably I read more than only in every 6 months . ( your posts are showing, you do not have book reading habit )

@ All
Check his last 15 to 20 posts which he posted on my post .
Normally, I do not reply his bark with my stones , but sometimes I throug stones then other should know we have a „ DOG“ here .


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

Some people born to bark , they have a special name „ DOG „ .
As concerning my book reading habit , the number of books you have read in your whole life , most probably I read more than only in every 6 months . ( your posts are showing, you do not have book reading habit )

@ All
Check his last 15 to 20 posts which he posted on my post .
Normally, I do not reply his bark with my stones , but sometimes I throug stones then other should know we have a „ DOG“ here .

Old uncle you are loosing it such bukwas bs sht