Surah Rum: Byan ul Quran, Dr Israr Ahmed


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
All predictions in the quran are contextual and not individual. This is why they don't prove anything at all on their own as individual predictions that are out of their proper context. The last messenger of God was not a forecaster or palmist or astrologer or anything like that.

God sent his messengers to establish great human societies in his kingdom. This is why the quran talks about people who did that and got rewarded for it as well as those who did the opposite and got ruined by hands of each other. The prediction of the quran is, this will continue happening constantly and consistently and none can prove it otherwise.

This is why if people of pakistan want to do that then they will have to become halaalies but if they will continue to be haraamies then hell of their own making will remain the outcome of their haraami pan till they become halaalies or end up destroyed by hands of each other.
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