Zaid Hamid is on ISI's payroll, and he receives Rs. 6,06,500 Per month - Emaad Khalid (Ex-staffer)

monh zorr

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Emaad Khalid, ex-staffer of Zaid Hamid: ZH is on ISI's payroll. I'D receive Rs. 606500 p/m on ZH behalf. For more

what a big confusion in Pakistan, after reading all the above in detail, the guy Zaid Hamid who I thought was real patriot sounds like a bipolar personality disorder with manic/gradiose delusions about himself and when I remember all his patriotic speeches, all of the above made some sense to me. Still I will give benefit of doubt and will be hesitant to create a permanent opinion about him with all due respect as only allah knows better.(bigsmile)
یقین کرنے سے پہلے یہ اطمینان کرنا ضروری ہوتا ہے کہ گواہی دینے والا سچا ہے


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
@sardarshawala forget these fools. Like zh was a murred of kazzab these people are now his mureed. They all consider WATAN to be also an idol!!!

If u go to America doing some education , and u read a jew author book in course , will u be mureed of him , pea brain...????

Thats why u r illiterate... u dont have any logic behind your stupid mentality...

Yes he told the nation very first time few facts ... which your jahil mulla never told us...

Hell with his peeri mureedi and false prophet hood.... we r not learing deen from him....

But no one could deny , without knowing his back ground , that he told the theory of Zionest and economy..

U mulla fazlo is one of the stupid zionest... and your sipah sahaba and sipah muhamad r the toys....

just r stupid...


Councller (250+ posts)
Re: Emaad Khalid, ex-staffer of Zaid Hamid: ZH is on ISI's payroll. I'D receive Rs. 606500 p/m on ZH behalf. For more

Detailed email link and Emaad khalid video link have a look and enjoy lies of lal topi natik




President (40k+ posts)
Re: Emaad Khalid, ex-staffer of Zaid Hamid: ZH is on ISI's payroll. I'D receive Rs. 606500 p/m on ZH behalf. For more

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.....

[h=1]Samuel Johnson[/h]


MPA (400+ posts)
Another ISI conspiracy theory!
Rubbish.... not taking Zaid Hamid's side but he has his own company, which is doing very well.
He does not need any money from ISI!!

Noman Alam

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Zaid Hamid Planned To Assasinate Big Names - Ex Assitant Emad Khalid

Just on Capital TV , The Program is shut down. after Emad Khalid Sensational Statements.

1. He Was on ISI Payroll
2. He is double Crossing ISI
3. He met with Iranian Intelligence Agencies to Cheat ISI
4. He has many "AQEQATMAND" Corpse Commanders .
5. He got his HITMAN team of 21 PEOPLE ready to ASSISINATE Big Political Personalities including "CHIEF JUSTICE" , talking to one of his corpse commander to execute his plan after that there will be "TOTAL CHAOS And ANARCHY" .
6. He asked from his followers to ASSASINATE Kiyani
7. He called General Kiyanai "HaramZada"

The Channel is SHUT DOWN as soon as he gave these remarks.

listen it here

Noman Alam

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Emaad Khalid, ex-staffer of Zaid Hamid: ZH is on ISI's payroll. I'D receive Rs. 606500 p/m on ZH behalf. For more

Detailed email link and Emaad khalid video link have a look and enjoy lies of lal topi natik





Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Zaid Hamid, A true and Patriot Pakistani. He deserves more Pay.

He was the only one who informed Pakistani nation about plans of CIA and TTP.

CIA defeated
TTP taking last breaths.

Well Done Zaid Hamid


Re: Emaad Khalid, ex-staffer of Zaid Hamid: ZH is on ISI's payroll. I'D receive Rs. 606500 p/m on ZH behalf. For more

Asalaam alikum Wr Wb ;

Please read series if rebuttals yo the fabricated material produced my Emaad khalid;

On Sunday, April 14, 2013 2:14:05 PM UTC+5, haris6007 wrote:
salam all,

It's been 6 years since Brasstack's Media dbut . During this journey many came into our lives and many left. From common people to officers in uniform, from mullahs to journalists to politicians, from citizens to governments, brasstacks has welcomed everyone. As Quran says: It [Quran] will benefit people and many will go astray with it. This Ayah is no different for BT!

Brasstacks mission was started by a single person under the auspicious of RasulAllah ( S.A.A.W) *Alhamdulillah, it will continue till Allah (S.W.T) wants. Departure by anyone will not change its course inshallah.*

E.K with his irrational and extreme behavior has disgraced himself and displayed his ZARF !

I have been with Syed Zaid hamid saab the longest and closet long before EK. *I know for a fact that "Everything he mentioned here is a blatant mix of Misunderstanding, Lies, *Disinformation and nothing more" *- *A misguided soul...!

--Haris Zahoor.


BT-Volunteer:37927] The Real Face of ZAID HAMID - the truth about "The Man and his Mission"
Syed Zaid Hamid
to btcore, btvolunteer
3 hours agoDetails

This is a mail from my younger brother Junaid, on the allegations by that Ihsaan Faramosh that I am hurting my parents and taking money from them illegally. Read this now and see how blatantly that Raees ul ********** Imaad khalid is lying against us and the mission. *


Junaid sent this to the select members in reply to Imaad’s email *but I am sharing this with the team.








Dear All:


Although I am a non starter as far as the “Mission” is concerned, but I am a party to the points whereby reference is made to my family is concerned. And Mr. Emaad has no right to talk. write or spread any words about our family. He has a right to his opinion, but that opinion should have ended to the extent of his professional association with BT. I have met Emaad on a number of occasions and have always found him a man of good nature, respectful and intelligent and talking about anyone’s family on a public forum negates that impression.


Although, it is true that the originator of this email chain was indeed closer to my parents when they were in Pindi, but even after being so close, there are always more reasons for a family to be even more closer.


Our family money (by our father’s rental, pension, other sources) has always been spent with our information, agreement and consent. Indeed, there have been instances, whereby, we had felt the pinch of some shortage of funds (and which family hasn’t), but again it is a fact that we all have pooled our resources together to get out of those difficult times.


It is a fact that AlHamdollillah, there is no ‘hisaab kitaab’ between us. We earn and we spend. There have been instances whereby ZH has spent insane amount of money on our parents and even on my immediate family. I have full faith in my brother that whenever I will be in need, he will be the first person to attend to it. It is not only faith, its tried and tested.


It is true that Bhai indeed has a ’khula haath’ when it comes to spending and its also true that he doesn’t believe in saving money… but that’s his style. *And it also nullifies the impression that his attention is mostly towards wealthy sponsors. Had it been that way, there would have been other indicators as well. And he would not be spending extremely lavishly on all those poor families/people/associates whom I personally know of. I am sure there are many more whom I don’t know of.


What we do with our individual or collective (inheritance) resources is not in anybody’s domain to comment on. However, for clearing that matter, whatever Bhai did or does with our father’s money is totally with my personal consent. It was only out of sheer love of my father for me that he wanted me to have some share in his money as well. I personally asked Zaid Bhai not to send any money as I, AlHamdollillah, been able to take care of my parents and other immediate families needs here in Karachi. However, he has been sending the house rent to my account since then.


I would appreciate and prefer if our family matters are taken off discussion from this email chain.




Syed Junaid Hamid


Re: Emaad Khalid, ex-staffer of Zaid Hamid: ZH is on ISI's payroll. I'D receive Rs. 606500 p/m on ZH behalf. For more

It is balatantly clear that Safma deployed him to infiltrate our ranks and now they are using him to attack us to block the mission. Alhamdolillah, no damage done. We stand firm and united to continue the duty despite this betrayl. There is khair in this program that he did with Safma and marvi sirmed. *His own credibility has been shatterd. Social media is abuzz *with his betrayl. Its a info war and we have to take it in our stride. Response is being built.


Re: Emaad Khalid, ex-staffer of Zaid Hamid: ZH is on ISI's payroll. I'D receive Rs. 606500 p/m on ZH behalf. For more

Meet the new best friends of that Ihsaan Faramosh -- SAFMA :)

Syed Zaid Hamid
to btcore, btvolunteer
8 hours agoDetails

There is no doubt that he has been compromised by SAFMA. Sold his soul to the devil. We expected that. hamid &src=typd


Re: Emaad Khalid, ex-staffer of Zaid Hamid: ZH is on ISI's payroll. I'D receive Rs. 606500 p/m on ZH behalf. For more


Assalam o alykum.*

** * Listen to me O people ! let go , let everyone go ! Our doors are always open for anyone & everyone who wishes to join or leave this mission. We welcome everyone who joins & pray for everyone who leaves this mission. BrassTacks is not a political party nor is Zaid Hamid a political leader. If this mission is real, if its true, if it's leader (Zaid Hamid) is true & for real, if he's faithfull to his country & the entire Ummah, & only time will tell & inshallah people will know the truth, if this mission is to be fullfiled as written, then inshallah it will !

** Let me be very clear, it does not matter whomever joins or leaves this cause, not even me ! Many emaad khalid's have come & gone over the years & only God knows how many more will come & go. You are only asked to believe truly & faithfully in the cause nothing & no one else ! This mission, the rule of khilafat, started more than 1400 years ago by our beloved prophet Rasul Allah s.a.w.w, it cannot end & it will never end untill its fulfilled & it will, soon enough !

I didnt use inshallah in previous sentence because it is written ! The ummah will rise again ! Pakstan is just one, but a key partof the prophecy & Zaid Hamid is merely a humble & honoust, one of many servents of this cause.

** This mission, BrassTacks, the idea of Takmeel e Pakistan & rule of khilafat, all, in the modern day was revived & began with Zaid Hamid & by God it will meet its fullfilment & Zaid Hamid shall fight till the end or die fighting for it ! All those who joined this mission for any personal gain or glory or position, even for Zaid Hamid, or for the Late emaad khalid ( with due respect, by late i mean dishonourably discharged ) can & will in time leave this mission & only the very few who truly joined only for the sake of this cause shall remain at the end, Takmeel e Pakistan ! Takmeel e Khilafat !*



Replacing emaad khalid

Staff officer, BrassTacks.


Pakistan Zindabad !*

کشاد آباد بدولت ہمیشہ ایں تحریک بحقِ اشھد ان لا الہ الا اللہ محمد الرسول اللہ



Assalam o alykum.*

** * Listen to me O people ! let go , let everyone go ! Our doors are always open for anyone & everyone who wishes to join or leave this mission. We welcome everyone who joins & pray for everyone who leaves this mission. BrassTacks is not a political party nor is Zaid Hamid a political leader. If this mission is real, if its true, if it's leader (Zaid Hamid) is true & for real, if he's faithfull to his country & the entire Ummah, & only time will tell & inshallah people will know the truth, if this mission is to be fullfiled as written, then inshallah it will !

** Let me be very clear, it does not matter whomever joins or leaves this cause, not even me ! Many emaad khalid's have come & gone over the years & only God knows how many more will come & go. You are only asked to believe truly & faithfully in the cause nothing & no one else ! This mission, the rule of khilafat, started more than 1400 years ago by our beloved prophet Rasul Allah s.a.w.w, it cannot end & it will never end untill its fulfilled & it will, soon enough !

I didnt use inshallah in previous sentence because it is written ! The ummah will rise again ! Pakstan is just one, but a key partof the prophecy & Zaid Hamid is merely a humble & honoust, one of many servents of this cause.

** This mission, BrassTacks, the idea of Takmeel e Pakistan & rule of khilafat, all, in the modern day was revived & began with Zaid Hamid & by God it will meet its fullfilment & Zaid Hamid shall fight till the end or die fighting for it ! All those who joined this mission for any personal gain or glory or position, even for Zaid Hamid, or for the Late emaad khalid ( with due respect, by late i mean dishonourably discharged ) can & will in time leave this mission & only the very few who truly joined only for the sake of this cause shall remain at the end, Takmeel e Pakistan ! Takmeel e Khilafat !*



Replacing emaad khalid

Staff officer, BrassTacks.


Pakistan Zindabad !*

کشاد آباد بدولت ہمیشہ ایں تحریک بحقِ اشھد ان لا الہ الا اللہ محمد الرسول اللہ



Re: Emaad Khalid, ex-staffer of Zaid Hamid: ZH is on ISI's payroll. I'D receive Rs. 606500 p/m on ZH behalf. For more

What pious sister with spiritual knowledge/ kashf *has revealed about munafiq and traitor 'Emaad Khalid' ;

1. He is of wahabi background but has pretended to be Ahle Sunnat and sufi.

2. He joined Brasstacks team for 'Takmeel e Pakistan Mission' to exert hold and influence over it but could'nt do that. He was never sincere from day one.

3. If a raid is done on his house now many more secret documents will be unearthed ( which he will hide away after 1 day ).

4. He will fail in his poisonous conspiracy against Syed zaid hamid, Brasstacks Teams and this blessed mission.

Finally sister said this blessed ' Takmeel e Pakistan Mission' Azaan will become more successful and louder !*


Re: Emaad Khalid, ex-staffer of Zaid Hamid: ZH is on ISI's payroll. I'D receive Rs. 606500 p/m on ZH behalf. For more

I am working with patriots from 4 years to defend the ideology of Pakistan and to defend the defenders of our motherland. I did not enjoyed a single rupee benefit in all these 4 years for doing all this work because i know that reward from Allah will be much more than my expectations.

I can enjoy a luxurious life by joining the ranks of liberals, seculars, anti-Pakistani ideology campaigns or NGOs working against Pakistan. They will receive me as a hot cake. They will pay me for their agenda but then i will be unable to receive the reward from Allah Kareem and i will be caught for joining the ranks of traitors.

My dearest friends! I have two options. The heaven on Earth is infact a Hell and Hell on Earth is infact a Heaven. Do you know what a Dajjal means???

By Allah! I will stand with Pakistan till last breath till last drop of my blood!

Regards: Muhammad Abuzar Ilyas


Dear members,

Alhamdolillah, Alhamdolillah a million that he has chosen this small band of patriots to defend the honor of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and beloved Pak Sarzameen.

Last week, one of our team members Imaad Khalid had defected from us and left BrassTacks mission. He had been posting venomous propaganda on net against Mission Takmeel, BrassTacks and Pak army. The whole document was such a filth, without any shred of evidence that we did not even consider it worthy of a response.

Today, that traitor Imaad came on Capital TV and exposed himself and his lies big time. He was invited and patronized by SAFMA, Marvi sermed and Ejaz Haider, making his connections with SAFMA official. Alhamdolillah, the program fully exposed the game of the enemies.

Many children are demanding that we launch a legal and media response to the allegations. We will but you must know the following points.

Rasul Allah (sm) has advised us that it is enough for a person to be a liar if he transmits further what he hears without confirming it first. Burdon of proof is the one who is putting the allegation, else it is called a Bohtan and worthy of most severe punishment in sharia.

The biggest weapon of the enemy is propaganda, lies and disinformation through which it shakes your Imaas through Waswasa and Afwah. Afwah and Waswasa destroys your Yaqeen. Be very careful of that.

Whenever you hear anything against our mission, ask the following questions from yourself.

1. Is this mission defending and helping Pakistan or harming Pakistan ?

2. Who are the enemies of this Mission? are they friends of Pakistan or known enemies???

3. Has Zaid Hamid ever spoken against Quran and Sunnah ??

4. If this mission is destroyed, who benefits from it ???

Once you have all the answers, all your doubts will be removed, InshAllah.

We started this mission alone and InshAllah, would continue this alone, even if the world leave us or abandon us. We have never ask you for any money or support except to spread the message of Ishq e Rasul (sm), Takmeel e Pakistan and Baba Iqbal and Quaid. If you have come to join this misison, you have done for it for Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). This Faqeer is only a Moazzin, giving azaan to wake up a sleeping nation.

If you decide to leave, this would be your choice too. You will answerable to Allah (swt) for what you do. This Faqeer will answer for the duty he has been assigned.

We have made our choice, alhamdolillah. Pakistan is in pain today, surrounded from all sides, by all enemies, being betrayed by the leaders, judiciary and media. But a small band of patriots are holding this Sabz Hilal Parcham high and will hold their ground, even if they are slaughtered. We will live with dignity and InshAllah, will die with honor but we will NOT surrender.

If you doubt us, leave silently. We will not stop you.

We will continue to March, InshAllah for Khilafat e Rashida, Ghazwa e Hind and United states of Islam.

HasbunAllah Naimal Wakeel, Naimal Maula wa Naiman Naseer.

Shukar Alhamdolillah !!