Wanna Learn How To Write An Essay On A Horse? - Read On


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

بھائیو اور بہنو ، آیے آج آپکو ایک لطیفہ سناتا ہوں جوکیے برا ہی مضحکہ خیز ہے اور سچا بھی ہے

١٩٥٩ میں جب میں آٹھویں کلاسس میں تھا تو پاکستانی حکومت نے انگریزی کی تعلیم عام کرنا شروع کی - محلّے کے کچھ حضرات نے اپنے بچوں کو جن میں میں بھی شامل تھا ایک تتر کے پاس tution کے لیے بھیجنا شروع کیا

ہفتے دو ہفتے کے بعد ہی ماسٹر صاھب نے سب آٹھ کو حکم دیا کے سب ایک مضمون لکھیں جو گھوڑا پر ١٠ ستر پر مشتمل ہو گا

چونکے ہمارے والد صاھب مرحوم ان بچوں کے والدین سے زیادہ پڑھے لکھے تھے اس لیے ساتوں نے اس مضمون کو ہمارے سپرد کیا اس شرط پر کے وہ لوگ نقل کر لینگے- ہم سب kids ایک بارے ام کے درخت کے نیچے brianstorm کے لیے بیٹھے - ہم نے خدا کو حاضر و ناظر جن کر سبھوں سے وعدہ کر لیا نقل کی اجازت کی. - چار دیں کی مہلت مانگی ہم نے جو بغیر چوں و چرا کے مجھے مل گیی -

بہت غور و خوض کے بعد والد صاھب سے مشورہ کیا لیکن وہ بھی انگریزی سے بلکل نا بلڈ تھے ما سوا اسکے کے وہ دستخط بری اچھی کرتے تھے

بھر حال مارتا کیا نہ کرتا ، بیٹھ گیا خود سے لکنے کو - واللہ تھوڑی ہی دیر میں اچانک سب کچھ ذھن میں آگیا -

ہم نے جو صرف ١٠ ستر کسی بیچارے گھوڑے پر لکھا وہ آپ کی ہنسی کی خاطرحاضر خدمت ہے نیچے - یہ ہمارے دماغ کی ایجاد دیکھ کر tutor صاھب کی ہنسی ہی بند نہی ہی - اور انکو افسوس بھی ہوا ہوگا کے انکی محنت بے کار ہوئی

Brothers and sisters. Today I am going to tell you a true story that is hilarious and true in its place.

In 1959, when I was only 8 years old, the govt of Pakistan brought new incentives and laws that English was becoming the second state language. Few parents from the neighborhood got together and decided to hire an English tutor for the eight kids, including myself.
We started being tutored by a very brilliant tutor, except that he was too brilliant for us. He must have thought that we were born genius, NOT, not in English anyway.

No sooner the class was only in its second week than he asked us to write an essay on a horse, not a very elaborate one but just may be 10 lines. I must tell you that in East Pakistan village we never SEEN a horse much less write about one. It would have been a lot easier to write on a goat, bull, cow, chicken or even coyote.

Anyways, since my dad was the most educated of the other parents, the other seven kids naturally assumed that I was the most genius and educated, and they were right. You will witness it yourself by reading my essay below. They chose ME to write the essay and lead the pack.

We sat down under a tall mango tree and started brainstorming on how to get over this zalimana assignments. So I asked the kids for 4 days to think and write, which was granted with pleasure but in return I would have to share the essay so they could present as their own.

Next day I approached my dad and sought some well deserved help. My dad was a very educated person, but in hikmat, Persian, urdu, and tafseer-e-quran. He could not tell English from the ten foot hole in the ground except that his signature in English was just like someone born in England. But that little to help me.

While I was almost dosed off to the dreamland, and idea struck (Bill Gates, eat your heart out LOL) and got a pencil from my mom and wrote down the essay on a horse in a jiffy.

If you are curious or if you simply want to learn how to write an effective essay on a horse or any animal for that matter, please scroll down to the end of this thread and have a hearty laugh, or may ten laughs. I have hidden it at the bottom. Enjoy the true story, not a word of which is an exaggeration.

I will have another true story, similar in joke strength some other time.

The Essay:

Ten lines on a horse

Ten lines on a horse

Ten lines on a horse

Ten lines on a horse

Ten lines on a horse

Ten lines on a horse

Ten lines on a horse

Ten lines on a horse

Ten lines on a horse

Ten lines on a horse

Wasnt I a genius kid?? :24::24:


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
i don't know what to say . After reading the whole crap ''Khoda pahar nikla choha ''


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
MashaAllah Kia Mustakal Mazaj Paya Hai Ap Nay
60 Saal Main Rati Bhar Farak Na Para.

lol just kidding.
