Video shows 22 Afghan commandos executed by the Taliban


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
USA leave the mess behind, same thing they did with Iraq ?? and Lybia
USA did negotiation with Taliban they should handover the govt to Taliban, 20 yrs ago Taliban was in power.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
this is ridiculous if they surrendered they should be given a pardon or put in jail. this is inhuman and against Islam. Taliban claims to be true Muslim. I always said they are uneducated people and blend their culture with mullahism. this is no Islam at all. I strongly condemn it.

what Americans did and other groups to Taliban was also inhuman but they don't claim that they are even Muslim or good Muslims. Westerners are always brutal that's their mentality to kill others and get their benefits. But these people called themselves true Muslims. Allah ki lanat ho raise logon per.

The Sane

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
this is ridiculous if they surrendered they should be given a pardon or put in jail. this is inhuman and against Islam. Taliban claims to be true Muslim. I always said they are uneducated people and blend their culture with mullahism. this is no Islam at all. I strongly condemn it.

what Americans did and other groups to Taliban was also inhuman but they don't claim that they are even Muslim or good Muslims. Westerners are always brutal that's their mentality to kill others and get their benefits. But these people called themselves true Muslims. Allah ki lanat ho raise logon per.
I do not condone the heinousness of either parties, groups or factions, but religion is only used as an alibi in war. I am sure nether Jesus nor Mohammad vindicated such acts in war.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is an Indian photoshop propaganda with a message to Ashraf Ghani's so called commandos that even if you surrender to Taliban, they will kill you. So keep on fighting till your death.

We want India to get involve in Afghanistan Militarily.
And there after few great historical things will happen if they do:
Kashmir will be free from Indian occupation,
Another independent Muslim country will be born for 180 million Indian Muslims in the heart of India same as Bangladesh,
Seven sister states i.e. Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura, Assam & Sikkim will be free from India,
And finally entire Arunachal Pradesh will be under Chinese control.

The Sane

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Muslims have been killing each other for 1400 years, starting with Fitna wars.
Arif, your point carries half truth. Perhaps, they have been embattled with each other for so long, but so were Caucasian Christians, until as recent as Russia and Ukraine, Brits with Argentina in Falklands, North and South Ireland, first and second world wars, so on and so forth…
Human civilization has never let their penchant for wars go bone dry. Religion is just a pivot.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
If the video isn't fake, then it's horrible. As Muslims our humanity towards others should never be negotiable whether its other Muslims or non Muslims. Its what's makes us Muslims because we fear the day of judgement.


Senator (1k+ posts)
I do not condone the heinousness of either parties, groups or factions, but religion is only used as an alibi in war. I am sure nether Jesus nor Mohammad vindicated such acts in war.
I never said that Christians does I said Westerners and they can be anybody but unfortunately, most of them are Christians and you are right in a way that Jesus(PBH) even said if someone slaps you on side of your face you give your 2nd side as if the person wants to slap you on the other side.
