MPA (400+ posts)
Charges brought by Malik Riaz and his conduct thru his life have not been ordinary. He has committed his crimes not any small or limited way where negative/poisonous impact on society would have been non-consequential. The spread of his influence and dirty tactics have touched every sphere
and level of goverment. He amassed wealth by depriving small, poor rightful land owners under duress, malpractices, collusion with government machinery by bribing everyone every step of the process involved. He had been defrauding potential plot buyers through different scams. They would prepare a plot plan on papers and starting selling the plots without being backed by any real land. These used to be called files. As they would have sold substantial no of files and having achieved their targets they would start throwing negative rumors in the market through their planted people. People who had bought those files will become nervous and start looking for possible buyers. After few days of such rumors market would drop considerably. Now, the company Baharia, recognizing rage of people and to avoid retribution from angry owners, start buying back those file at very much reduced prices- most of the times it would be less than the half price. This practice continued during 2001-2005.
All of you would remember that period.
As is known to every body now he had really become DON/GOD FATHER/MAFIA HEAD AL PACINO. His influence could be measured from the fact every body worth mentioning had been bribed by him in the country.
He had been accustomed having his way literally in agency of any type.
Whenever there is oppression and cruelty some people may be handful, will stand up and show their strength or frustration. Under the circumstances such people sought relief from superior judiciary. As the bad luck would go for Riaz Malik, he couldn't wield his influence/connections there. He started bribing Arsalan, don't know it got started. When it didn't work he became mad and toatal bizzarc. He couldn't tolerate and fathom how come his influence , connectionsand position were challenged. Practically he was not used to it.
This is where he started his sting operation to destroy every thing in his path.
I have very simple premise to charge him for treason:
1) He practically destroyed legal structure by violating it on unimaginable level.
2)He corrupted and reinforced this practice on very very large scale and level. He destroyed the moral fabric of society/state.
3) He has tried and is continuously involved through his baseless press conferences, concocted tv interviews blaming judiciary in efforts to bring down the most important pillar of justice without which no society/country can exist.
All these activities are against state and should be very seriously considered for trying him after all due processes.
Thank you.
Dr Manzoor Mian
and level of goverment. He amassed wealth by depriving small, poor rightful land owners under duress, malpractices, collusion with government machinery by bribing everyone every step of the process involved. He had been defrauding potential plot buyers through different scams. They would prepare a plot plan on papers and starting selling the plots without being backed by any real land. These used to be called files. As they would have sold substantial no of files and having achieved their targets they would start throwing negative rumors in the market through their planted people. People who had bought those files will become nervous and start looking for possible buyers. After few days of such rumors market would drop considerably. Now, the company Baharia, recognizing rage of people and to avoid retribution from angry owners, start buying back those file at very much reduced prices- most of the times it would be less than the half price. This practice continued during 2001-2005.
All of you would remember that period.
As is known to every body now he had really become DON/GOD FATHER/MAFIA HEAD AL PACINO. His influence could be measured from the fact every body worth mentioning had been bribed by him in the country.
He had been accustomed having his way literally in agency of any type.
Whenever there is oppression and cruelty some people may be handful, will stand up and show their strength or frustration. Under the circumstances such people sought relief from superior judiciary. As the bad luck would go for Riaz Malik, he couldn't wield his influence/connections there. He started bribing Arsalan, don't know it got started. When it didn't work he became mad and toatal bizzarc. He couldn't tolerate and fathom how come his influence , connectionsand position were challenged. Practically he was not used to it.
This is where he started his sting operation to destroy every thing in his path.
I have very simple premise to charge him for treason:
1) He practically destroyed legal structure by violating it on unimaginable level.
2)He corrupted and reinforced this practice on very very large scale and level. He destroyed the moral fabric of society/state.
3) He has tried and is continuously involved through his baseless press conferences, concocted tv interviews blaming judiciary in efforts to bring down the most important pillar of justice without which no society/country can exist.
All these activities are against state and should be very seriously considered for trying him after all due processes.
Thank you.
Dr Manzoor Mian

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