This is Shahryar Akbar, consul general of Pakistan in Jeddah

I Mian

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Patwaris get fcked everyday nothing new lol
About patwarees and chor tubber ....I am as much against as you or may be more .....

but please avoid that kind of language .....

Please use you energy, time and wisdom in taking on these dakoo , with rational discussion...
trust me it is more powerful than the bad words ( yes I know sometime even I carried away and use bad words , but we should keep reminding each other)

and pray ..may Allah give our nation wisdom so people start realizing ,admitting and accepting their corruption and may Allah show us all the straight path


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
GOVT. shd pas a LAW to punish such people who do such shameless character assassination based on fake news.
Such mothefukersshd be sent to jail for atleast 6 months and banned if thy belong to media.