B behzadji Minister (2k+ posts) May 21, 2011 #2 Oh my God.Is it the same thing like which descended on qaum-e-aad and samood. Their homes are still present but they were fallen like broken date trees. Allah knows the best.
Oh my God.Is it the same thing like which descended on qaum-e-aad and samood. Their homes are still present but they were fallen like broken date trees. Allah knows the best.
littlemaster Minister (2k+ posts) May 21, 2011 #3 i m wondering if they have that much tech,why they are being defeated in afghanistan by mere AK47?
biomat Minister (2k+ posts) May 21, 2011 #4 Brother they dont want to destroy your suspense.. All these high tech weapons will be used by DAJJAL when he will fight the great Armageddon.
Brother they dont want to destroy your suspense.. All these high tech weapons will be used by DAJJAL when he will fight the great Armageddon.