@ Great Moin Bhai:
Tears in my eyes, you reminded me my old days whenI did my M.Sc. with first class from KU in 1988, and I was ready to join work force in Pakistan, I wanted to serve my country while living with my own people with my own parents and siblings BUT couln't get any job. I was tutering from 6 o'clock in the morning to 11 o'clock in the night, I had to support my family, I was the eldest son in my home. But couldn't get any job, I saw others who had very less capabilities and they supercede me and got the jobs because they had SIFARISH and RISHWAT and POLITICAL CONNECTIONS. I didn't have any.
Then, as with other millions like me, I left my Pakistan, my Karachi, my parents, my brothers and sister...........
20 years now, can not write any more........
I need a glass of water.