Re: deal was 1.05 billion
The article 45, which comes under PART III; chapter I of 1973 Constitution says that:
The President shall have power to grant pardon, reprieve and respite, and to remit, suspend or commute any sentence passed by any court, tribunal or other authority.
So under this Act, you can not ask where is all that Money going.... !!!!
What is written in the ...
Pakistan Penal Code (Act XLV of 1860)
Act XLV of 1860
October 6th, 1860
Amended by: Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act, 2006,Criminal Laws (Amendment) Act, 2004 (I of 2005),Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance (LXXXV of 2002),Criminal Laws (Reforms) Ordinance (LXXXVI of 2002),etc.
1.Title and extent of operation of the Code.
This Act shall be called the Pakistan Penal Code, and shall take effect throughout Pakistan.
2.Punishment of offences committed within Pakistan.
Every person shall be liable to punishment under this Code and not otherwise for every act or omission contrary to the provisions thereof, of which he shall be guilty within Pakistan.
3.Punishment of offences committed beyond, but which by law may be tried within Pakistan.
Any person liable, by any Pakistan Law, to be tried for an offence committed beyond Pakistan shall be dealt with according to the provision of this Code for any act committed beyond Pakistan in the same manner as if such act had been committed within Pakistan.
4.Extension of Code to extra-territorial offences.
The provisions of this Code apply also to any offence committed by:-
1[(1) any citizen of Pakistan or any person in the service of Pakistan in any place without and beyond Pakistan;]
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4 (4) any person on any ship or aircraft registered in Pakistan wherever it may be.
Explanation: In this section the word "offence" includes every act committed outside Pakistan which, if committed in Pakistan, would be punishable under this Code.
The punishments to which offenders are liable under the provisions of this Code are: Firstly, Qisas; Secondly, Diyat; Thirdly, Arsh; Fourthly, Daman; Fifthly, Ta'zir; Sixthly, Death; Seventhly, Imprisonment for life; Eighthly, Imprisonment which is of two descriptions, namely:-- (i) Rigorous, i.e., with hard labour; (ii) Simple; Ninthly, Forfeiture of property; Tenthly, Fine
Now further detail... that could lead R.Davis free......
80.Accident in doing a lawful act:
Nothing is an offence which is done by accident or misfortune, and without any criminal intention or knowledge in the doing of a lawful act in a lawful manner by lawful means and with proper care and caution.
A is at work with a hatchet; the head flies off and kills a man who is standing by. Here if there was no want of proper caution on the part of A, his act is excusable and not an offence.
81. Act likely to cause harm, but done without criminal intent, and to prevent other harm:
Nothing is an offence merely by reason of its being done with the knowledge that it is likely to cause harm, if it be done without any criminal intention to cause harm, and in good faith for the purpose of preventing or avoiding other harm to person or property.
Explanation: It is a question of fact in such a case whether the harm to be prevented or avoided was of such a nature and so imminent as to justify or excuse the risk of doing the act with the knowledge that it was likely to cause harm.
(a) A, the captain of a steam vessel, suddenly and without any fault or negligence on his part, finds himself in such a position that, before he can stop his vessel, he must inevitably run down a boat B, with twenty or thirty passengers on board; unless he changes the course of his vessel, and that, by changing his course, he must incur risk of running down a boat C with only two passengers on board, which he may possibly clear Here, if A alters his course without any intention to run down the boat C and in good faith for the purpose of avoiding the danger to the passengers in the boat B, he is not guilty of an offence, though he may run down the boat C by doing an act which he knew was likely to cause that effect, if it be found as a matter of fact that the danger which he intended to avoid was such as to excuse him incurring the risk of running down C. (b) A, in a great fire, pulls down houses in order to prevent the conflagration from spreading. He does this with the intention in good faith of saving human life or property. Here, if it be found that the harm to be prevented was of such a nature and so imminent as to excuse A's act, A is not guilty of the offence.