QUESTION ? Why Only Muslims?


MPA (400+ posts)




Minister (2k+ posts)

some 1400 years ago, it was told that "they will not be happy UNTIL you(Muslims)
follow their millat (way of life)", still you wish to know Why only Muslims?

sarbakaf - Blogger
Why muslim...because we are weak

when we were strong and were ruling world was muslim style everywhere...

today we are weak but to many in number...

secondly they are defacing muslim identity ..........what ever we muslim do is wrong in eyes of the world...

a jew with beard is a good practicing jew.....while muslim is fundamentalist.
a nun with head cover is noble while muslim lady is lack of women rights
a christian child playing with gun toy is fun if muslim boy does that he is been trained for wrong purposes
when rabbai goes to senigog its his religious right ........if we muslim visit mosque it may be to plan something wrong.
we are good if we leave islam...if we follow islam we are backward, fundamentalist,barbarian etc

nut shell..........we are weak.............might is right ..........thats the rule of the world