Voter (50+ posts)
A Visit to PIMS: Findings of today's Visit for General Medicine Department of PIMS Hospital.
It's an other excellent piece of work done by PPP Govt bad Politics......
Please see the Image for more inside view..... day after Tomorrow we all are going for Vote.........keep in mind Vote sensibly this time please... see who has a good sense of dealing Health Care Facilities as you all know "JAAN Hay to JAHAAN Hay"
Vote for a Change...... The Right Change!
we must change the Culture of Politics by stopping Illegal Intrusion of Polities in Department like Health Care Facilities etc, Medicine, Thana Kachehri etc.......
It's an other excellent piece of work done by PPP Govt bad Politics......
Please see the Image for more inside view..... day after Tomorrow we all are going for Vote.........keep in mind Vote sensibly this time please... see who has a good sense of dealing Health Care Facilities as you all know "JAAN Hay to JAHAAN Hay"
Vote for a Change...... The Right Change!
we must change the Culture of Politics by stopping Illegal Intrusion of Polities in Department like Health Care Facilities etc, Medicine, Thana Kachehri etc.......

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