India aur Afghanistan ke aage jhukne ne bahtar hai hum log mar hi jain, these two bloody countries are the real problema of Pakistan, these are devils, we should correct our internal problems but dosent need to beg before these two ignorant and rubbish countries.
Javed chaudry sahib there is a time for every thing. The time to take few steps back was years ago when we were not in such a bad shape militarily and economically.China or whichever country stepped back they knew they can bounce back. We could have bounced back as well had we stepped back at the right time.Now we can't even step back coz we have nothing to fall back upon, the opportunity is lost.Now what we can do is, set our priorities right its our own lack of decision making and corruption which has made pakistan so vulnerable.Stop corruption and extort the ill gotten money from the corrupt pakistanis and we are safe at least for the near future.The Person who could take the bull of corruption by the horn was and is IMTAN khan.I have never come across a single good article from you before election advocating him.I have never watched good shows on IMran khan from you . He was mistreated and maligned and ridiculed And u were there with all your might to do the same.ALLAH gives chances people avail them but our opinion makers they are sold out and are ghost writers of business tycoons , with their personal growth in mind they will always play a favourable role for the status Quo,YOu are no exception NO offence.
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