Money is not a problem just need some honest individuals. Government should invest 10 to 20 % or just the initial cost. For good projects all the Banks are ready to invest.
Design the product and get approval. I know Pakistani talented students can design a product quicker than an experienced person. Find a place to manufacture the product. We don’t need brand new factory. Rent a facility. Start production. Start selling it to public and Government. Problem, Government organization don’t buy stuff without rishwat so here, this company need assistance. Government organization must buy it without any rishwat.
- Contact retired honest individuals (or mix of retired and fresh talent)
- Register the company.
Design the product and get approval. I know Pakistani talented students can design a product quicker than an experienced person. Find a place to manufacture the product. We don’t need brand new factory. Rent a facility. Start production. Start selling it to public and Government. Problem, Government organization don’t buy stuff without rishwat so here, this company need assistance. Government organization must buy it without any rishwat.
- Offer the share to public.
- Public will invest if the project is good. Transfer the ownership to majority stockholders.
- Have fun and start another big project.
- Its easy,