Shah Shatranj
Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Scope of beneficiary countries
• All IDA-countries, that are current on any debt service to the IMF and the World Bank.
• All least developed countries as defined by the United Nations, that are current on any debt service to the IMF and the World Bank.
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting 15 April 2020 [Virtual] Page 12
For above scope described by G20 countries for aid package, Pakistan is not included in IDA countries graduated list and least developing countries list
Richest countries agree to freeze poorer nations’ debt
The world’s richest countries agreed Wednesday to freeze poor nations’ debt obligations, shortly after nearly 20 European and African leaders made a joint appeal for a massive international effort to boost Africa’s coronavirus response, saying that “only a global victory that fully includes Africa can bring this pandemic to an end.”
Finance ministers of the G-20 group of major economies, which includes the U.S., China, India and others, said they will immediately put on hold poor countries’ obligations to service debt they owe. The statement issued after a videoconference put to rest concerns that China would block such a measure, which is aimed at helping the poorest nations focus their spending on healthcare and assistance to vulnerable people to contain the outbreak and its fallout.
In AP report that does not include reference of Kaptan Niazi appeal for debt relief shows that world don't take Kaptan Niazi seriously. This package was for poorest nations and Kaptan Niazi is going hard to prove nation beggar for the qualification of this aid. Now important question is how can Kaptan Niazi make Pakistan poorest nation in the eye of the world , first he used trouser shirt and now second option is Dhoti and bunyaan and if it also does not work then Kaptan niazi will have to come with complete dressing of beggars with begging bowl ......... This is the humiliation that nation facing in the hand of play boy turned beggar turned politician now PM of Pakistan. Each time when hardships come , he has only one solution ''Allah ka naam par da do baba" this not only his experience of life but also his profession.
Now there is no shame for Pakistan to be registered in poorest nations of the world .
• All IDA-countries, that are current on any debt service to the IMF and the World Bank.
• All least developed countries as defined by the United Nations, that are current on any debt service to the IMF and the World Bank.
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting 15 April 2020 [Virtual] Page 12
For above scope described by G20 countries for aid package, Pakistan is not included in IDA countries graduated list and least developing countries list
Richest countries agree to freeze poorer nations’ debt
The world’s richest countries agreed Wednesday to freeze poor nations’ debt obligations, shortly after nearly 20 European and African leaders made a joint appeal for a massive international effort to boost Africa’s coronavirus response, saying that “only a global victory that fully includes Africa can bring this pandemic to an end.”
Finance ministers of the G-20 group of major economies, which includes the U.S., China, India and others, said they will immediately put on hold poor countries’ obligations to service debt they owe. The statement issued after a videoconference put to rest concerns that China would block such a measure, which is aimed at helping the poorest nations focus their spending on healthcare and assistance to vulnerable people to contain the outbreak and its fallout.
In AP report that does not include reference of Kaptan Niazi appeal for debt relief shows that world don't take Kaptan Niazi seriously. This package was for poorest nations and Kaptan Niazi is going hard to prove nation beggar for the qualification of this aid. Now important question is how can Kaptan Niazi make Pakistan poorest nation in the eye of the world , first he used trouser shirt and now second option is Dhoti and bunyaan and if it also does not work then Kaptan niazi will have to come with complete dressing of beggars with begging bowl ......... This is the humiliation that nation facing in the hand of play boy turned beggar turned politician now PM of Pakistan. Each time when hardships come , he has only one solution ''Allah ka naam par da do baba" this not only his experience of life but also his profession.
Now there is no shame for Pakistan to be registered in poorest nations of the world .
Richest countries agree to freeze poorer nations' debt
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — The world’s richest countries agreed Wednesday to freeze poor nations’ debt obligations, shortly after nearly 20 European and African leaders made a joint appeal for a massive international effort to boost Africa’s coronavirus response, saying that “only a global victory that ful
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