Spartacus & Najam Sethi & MQM, You people are Shoe liker of Musharraf, He was you Godfather, you are very panic why is expelled from Pakistan, now you can not enjoy the privileges which mushi provides you. You people are 100% opposite to Pakistani people. You dont want independent judiciary, because of your crimes. We will not forget Lal Masjid, 12 may, NRO, Bugti...... One day you will see you Godfather Hanging in front of SC. Spartacus, Nawz sharif never take any U turn, he is the one who is forceing the PPP to remove the 17th amendment, which was bring by your godfather, Nawaz sharif is the one who is initiator of 18th amendment. Spartacus change your name as msuhi son and MQM Gangster.