Music and islam


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
May Allah give us guidance so that not only we discuss Islamic issues but implement on ourselves (Aameen).

Qur'aan and Sunnah (??? ???? ???? ???? ????) has all the answer to our questions. So the key is that in case of conflict, consult Quraan and Hadeeth (??? ???? ???? ???? ????) NOT the peer, faqeer, darwaish and wali etc.

Translation by Yusuf Ali:But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty.
??? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ? ?? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??
(Qur’aan 31:6)

Tafseer of above Qur'aanic verse by Tafseer Ibn-e-Kaseer:

Sahih Bukhari:

Narrated Abu 'Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari: that he heard the Prophet saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful. And there will be some people who will stay near the side of a mountain and in the evening their shepherd will come to them with their sheep and ask them for something, but they will say to him, 'Return to us tomorrow.' Allah will destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them, and He will transform the rest of them into monkeys and pigs and they will remain so till the Day of Resurrection." (Sahih Bukhari Book #69, Hadith #494v)

Dr. Zakir Naik's point of view:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Some more Zakir Naik's videos:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... re=related" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Minister (2k+ posts)

31:6 But among people, there are those who invest their time in Hadith
which is unfounded, so as to lead those without knowledge away from
the path of God, making mockery of it (the Quran). For such there is a
humiliating punishment in store.
[In order to defend the Imams of Hadith, some commentators try to
explain away Lahwal Hadith as music. This obviously makes no
linguistic or contextual sense]

31:7 Whenever Our verses are conveyed to such a purchaser of Hadith,
he turns away in arrogance as if he never heard them - as if there were
deafness in his ears. So give him the tidings of a painful doom.

31:8 Whereas those who believe in the Word of God and fulfill the needs
of others, for them are the Gardens of delight.


Minister (2k+ posts)
--Brother,i'm amazed you'd even write as such..Then again this could very well be your personal stance and not a religious one.As far as requiring a medium of expression of one's feelings is concerned,other Non-musical ways do exist like poetry etc.
Brother Taul,
As you have noticed in this thread, from whole of Quran only two words "lahwaul Hadith" have been taken. Rest is their man-made explanation, everyone did it according to his own way. I said in my post there, that :
.............Anyhow there are no clear cut mention about it in Quran. People have tried to take out certain meanings from other words like "lahwul Haidth" etc, but it is some kind of forced conclusion. Almighty Allah has created in mankind love for women and the word used is "beautified is for Mankind love from Women...........". Then this type of natural feeling generates the way of expression. Nutshell, if Music is not compromising your faith, or spreading "Fahseehee", then can be tolerated.
If you read the above quoted verse(s), you will see that there is no whatsoever connection with Music itself. ?????? ?????????? is no way or cannot be restricted with Music. This what I call a "forced connection". Then this ?????? ?????????? activity is defined by the following words: ????????? ??? ??????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?????????????? ??????? (so that he may mislead from the "Way of Allah without any knowledge and takes it(way of Allah) jest". So ?????? ?????????? is "fazool talk" not "fazool Amal (kaam)". So the quoted verse is no where nearer to Music in a sense, unless we categorize the word "Hadith" in this verse as "Music".
Brother I am not defending the Music. The logically thing is that first we have to define what music is all about. Any worthy reader/member on board first of all "define" the music. Depending upon its definition we can discuss it further. Anyhow I stick to my post's portion in bold part.
About "poetry/poets" there are clear verses, in Quran therefore no one can argue over that. Therefore, your stance that expression of feeling through poetry is definitely not permissible.
Last point: The modern evolution of music does not go beyond 40 to fifty years. Before that (in our society), people used to have nothing but "factious" type of things like Heer Ranjah, etc or whatever and in a very simple way they used to express their feelings. The maximum usage may have been a "pot" or "flute".

taul - Blogger
--Brother babadeena,i already know you'd say this on the verse and as far as hadeeth i mentioned you do not consider them,but my point is how and where in exactly you'd come to that conclusion you mentioned earlier.You may enlighten me about those Ayaats regarding poetry being impermissible,though as a substitute of music i mentioned,i'd appreciate it.

--Music as in prevalent in today's society and makes one go deep into other thoughts and even get into the groove and all such emotions that usually aren't evoked,let's say this one ( even though it could not be the real music played,it's a turkish song and who knows may be the vidoe may have been edited) but serves the purpose here." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;


Minister (2k+ posts)
taul said:
--Brother babadeena,i already know you'd say this on the verse and as far as hadeeth i mentioned you do not consider them,but my point is how and where in exactly you'd come to that conclusion you mentioned earlier.

No Brother! You are absolutely wrong. I do consider. But they have to be nearer to the Quranic text or meaning. These two verses convey "idle talk" verses "Ayat ullah", that from the people there is/are who "purchase" the idle talk instead of Ayaat and show pride to Ayaat. Now either you or the originator are quoting out of context verses or there are no such verses in Quran categorically make music harram.
--Music as in prevalent in today's society and makes one go deep into other thoughts and even get into the groove that usually aren't evoked,let's say this one ( even though it could not be the real music played,it's a turkish song and may have been edited) but serves the purpose here." onclick=";return false;
So what this video is proving, please tell me is it not the way of expressing the feelings. Now the "feelings" could be for anything or for anyone. So my conclusion fits into that or not, please let me know!!!!

taul - Blogger
--If i didn't get you wrong the music played in that video as a source of expressing their feelings is right and correct!!brother please keep it short,Yes or No...coz to me it's a big No!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
babadeena said:
taul said:
--Brother babadeena,i already know you'd say this on the verse and as far as hadeeth i mentioned you do not consider them,but my point is how and where in exactly you'd come to that conclusion you mentioned earlier.

No Brother! You are absolutely wrong. I do consider. But they have to be nearer to the Quranic text or meaning. These two verses convey "idle talk" verses "Ayat ullah", that from the people there is/are who "purchase" the idle talk instead of Ayaat and show pride to Ayaat. Now either you or the originator are quoting out of context verses or there are no such verses in Quran categorically make music harram.
--Music as in prevalent in today's society and makes one go deep into other thoughts and even get into the groove that usually aren't evoked,let's say this one ( even though it could not be the real music played,it's a turkish song and may have been edited) but serves the purpose here." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
So what this video is proving, please tell me is it not the way of expressing the feelings. Now the "feelings" could be for anything or for anyone. So my conclusion fits into that or not, please let me know!!!!

Dear Babadeena,

Could you plesse find any Hadeeth from Sahah-e-Satta (???? ???), did any of Sahabah such as Abu Bakr Siddique (RA), Omer Farooq (R.A.), Usman Ghani (R.A.) or Ali (R.A.) ever use this medium to express their feeling? (Na'auzobilla).


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Not a single prophet played music by himself. (A far as I know)

Some just listened at some occasion, carelessly, for few minutes.

That means , Music is not important in life with any aspect.

There are lots of useful work to do for mankind.


Raaz said:
Gazoo, where r u?

R u ok?
Cmon man lol

Let him be in peace, [pk flag] otherwise whole subject will change. [pk flag]


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Raaz said:
Not a single prophet played music by himself. (A far as I know)

Some just listened at some occasion, carelessly, for few minutes.

That means , Music is not important in life with any aspect.

There are lots of useful work to do for mankind.

just like when people play chess, they rest at a cup of tea. So you two gentlemen should take 5 and listen to this music. this should help you prop up your iman



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
abbasiali said:
Raaz said:
Gazoo, where r u?

R u ok?
Cmon man lol

Let him be in peace, [pk flag] otherwise whole subject will change. [pk flag]

thanks abbasi bhai, I aint that bad. I amjust normal, neither too much maulvi nor a total non-maulvi [pk flag]


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
gazoomartian said:
abbasiali said:
Raaz said:
Gazoo, where r u?

R u ok?
Cmon man lol

Let him be in peace, [pk flag] otherwise whole subject will change. [pk flag]

thanks abbasi bhai, I aint that bad. I amjust normal, neither too much maulvi nor a total non-maulvi [pk flag]

Gazoo, u r right.

Nice music and nice song, I mean nice and Pawerful Kalam.
And the music is hidden behind the Kalam

This is called balance and balance is the beautiful thing.


Minister (2k+ posts)
taul said:
--If i didn't get you wrong the music played in that video as a source of expressing their feelings is right and correct!!brother please keep it short,Yes or No...coz to me it's a big No!!
First of all I did not understand that music language and that is very important to draw a conclusion. I asked by no one has define the "music", ok I try it: "Music is a way of expressing feelings for someone/something. It involves the following integral components:
a) Voice i.e. singer or singers.
b) instruments.
c) generally poetry. or only instrumental but even in that some kind of poetry is involved;
It may consists of following categories:
a) Expressing Love for someone;
b) Expressing devotion to someone(in religious way);
c) Expressing sorrow of miseries of life;
d) Praising someone etc. etc. etc.""
Now, oh dear folks, what components are haram in this process and what are halal. Make your choice and ball is in your court now.

Could you plesse find any Hadeeth from Sahah-e-Satta (???? ???), did any of Sahabah such as Abu Bakr Siddique (RA), Omer Farooq (R.A.), Usman Ghani (R.A.) or Ali (R.A.) ever use this medium to express their feeling? (Na'auzobilla).
@ Pakistan1947,
I do not have enough knowledge of Sahah-e-Satta or Hadeeths. My total time is devoted towards Quran and that does not leave for me any time to concentrate on other things. So I cannot find any Hadeeth because I have not read them as I read Quran.
Does your post imply that you or anyone else have quoted the above verses out of context? This is general and very unfortunate tendency on the part of our Ulemas to get some verses, even they are out of context, from Quran, then make forced connection to the subject. This is what I am questioning here on the subject, if you would have said that ONLY AS PER X,Y,Z, HADITH, music is not allowed, at least for me there was no room for maneuvering, but if its quotation of Quran by anyone then it is going to be my bit.
Let us now first classify the components of Music as Halal and Haram, then to your heart content I am going to bracket in that so many type of music, let us see!!!!

taul - Blogger
--Brother babadeena,i'm appalled the way you complicate such a minor and simple issue.You heard the music even though you didn't understand wordings but the tone and music was loud and clear,so would you approve or disapprove of such beats and rhythms.There's absolutely nothing here to be paranoidal.Yes or no would suffice.


Please find "Imam Ahmed Raza" point of view on it. This excerpt is from Ahkam-e-Shariat. Although this is for Qawwali but can be propagated further. He was very strict on this matter:


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
taul said:
--Brother babadeena,i'm appalled the way you complicate such a minor and simple issue.You heard the music even though you didn't understand wordings but the tone and music was loud and clear,so would you approve or disapprove of such beats and rhythms.There's absolutely nothing here to be paranoidal.Yes or no would suffice.

bhai yeh baccha, babadeena, is just looking for recognition that he is very learned and mr-know-it-all.

Just tell him that he is and he will shut up. So simple.

beta babdeena!! you are very educated young lad, you know tonnes of ayahs by hearts, millions of ahadith, you are expert in copy&paste, you are an excellent 'maulana hujjati' except unfortunately you do not correctly interpret qur'an.

I will never forget that, a person of your education and qualification said something as ridiculous as this: even in Qur'an Muhammad (s.a.w.) said that He (s.a.w.) does not have any knowledge of unseen

Even a child muslim would know that only Allah has said in Qur'an, Muhammad (s.a.w.) did NOT

How terrible....... now let me have it. i am ready for you trashing me [funnny]

taul - Blogger
I will never forget that, a person of your education and qualification said something as ridiculous as this: even in Qur'an Muhammad (s.a.w.) said that He (s.a.w.) does not have any knowledge of unseen

--Brother gazoomartian,what are you implying here?i did not understand :| Would you please clarify.I believe if i'm not wrong you are pointing to this Ayat that i mentioned:

???? ???????? ????????? ????? ??????? ?????????? ????? ??????? ???????? (67:26)

Say: The knowledge is with Allah only, and I am but a plain warner;

--Ofcourse every word revealed on Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the Word of Allah (SWT) which is inscribed in The Holy Qura'n and all the orders that came from Our Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) are the Divine Words of Allah (SWT).
