Might is Right....but why crying?

hawk eyed

MPA (400+ posts)
abi to aur roen ge.......let them reep what they have sowed........INSHALLAH afghan mujahidins will fix them soon


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
................اچھا آپ بختا... زرداری کو چارہ ڈالتے ہیں اور

کیوں مجھے شہید ؟؟؟؟؟؟ کروانا ہے
(ان کا کوئی شراب کی اور ڈوز سے مرے تو وہ بھی شہید )


President (40k+ posts)
Mountains never weep!
See the World's "Super Power's" gallantry?
SHAME.............MUSLIMS afraid of THEM

A picture is a Billion 'Words'!

It is neither Fear for Muslims nor Shame for Pakistan. It is fear and Shame for Muslims Rulers, whose stakes are in US and West. They only care about themselves and don't bother about their civilians.

Common Muslims haven't any fear in their mind about these So Called Super Powers. All these destruction (in Pictures ) of US and West is caused by Common Muslims dear.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
It is neither Fear for Muslims nor Shame for Pakistan. It is fear and Shame for Muslims Rulers, whose stakes are in US and West. They only care about themselves and don't bother about their civilians.

Common Muslims haven't any fear in their mind about these So Called Super Powers. All these destruction (in Pictures ) of US and West is caused by Common Muslims dear.

Yup, million are homeless, 1200 dead and Zardari hiring escort services in FR/UK

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
It is neither Fear for Muslims nor Shame for Pakistan. It is fear and Shame for Muslims Rulers, whose stakes are in US and West. They only care about themselves and don't bother about their civilians.

Common Muslims haven't any fear in their mind about these So Called Super Powers. All these destruction (in Pictures ) of US and West is caused by Common Muslims dear.
TRUE-Common men are never afraid of ‘death’ as they had nothing to fear after demise, if believers? Army only fights when they are fighting for ‘survival’. Those having lust for money, living luxuriously and had more than others are afraid of death. It’s only ‘they’ WHO need “TRIPLE-ONE” BRIGADE for personal security and even ‘SHOOT-DOWN’ Air-blue with ‘Missiles’ if it accidentally enters “NO FLY ZONE” – Rehman Malik (Plane was in NO FLY ZONE when got a hit against the ‘Margla Hills’. Its wreckage and ‘dead bodies’ were also found on the other side of hill –Why?) Remember, “JAMING DEVICES” too which STOP ‘electronics’ from functioning and plane comes down like a STONE!

“When it rains most bird’s heads for shelter, the ‘eagle’ is the only bird that, in order to avoid rain, start flying above the cloud.” Let’s change to make a change!!

Rana Tahir Mahmood

Senator (1k+ posts)
It is globally proved that common inhabitants of this globe are always born to cry wherever they are without any exception but the way of crying may be different with the region of the globe.
