Men Are Under Attack !!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Puffed up women, primmed to the finest details, pumping up their car's accelerator paddle early morning, to make in time for office are a routine sight for the urbanites.

As the day progresses, grabbing a bite at a crowded cafe or going out on shopping spree with friends in evenings, are just the few facets of a modern-day woman straddling the streets of a big centers like Karachi.

Now imagine, what goes on in the mind of a villager or town dwellers for whom such images are not only alien but also intimidating. If you agree with this, then it is time you forgive Jam Tamachi Uner, Member Parliament Sindh Assembly for his cynical statement against the city womenfolk.

The legislator, during a resolution moved against domestic violence on women, stood up on point of order and submitted his plea of constituting a committee on reviewing the mental torture inflicted upon men by urbanite women. His comments, as was expected, were met by the fury of women legislators who walked out of the Assembly in protest.

You can't help feeling bad for the poor guy. Hailing from Nawabshah, a small town, hundreds of miles away from the sprawling metropolis, he must be under extreme mental duress during his stay in the city.

Assembly sessions also do not provide much solace to the disturbed soul. Women MPAs donning latest fashion wear, taking seats besides their male counterparts and assertive in political and social debates must have shattered his mental strands woven by the pervasive patriarchal system Jam Tamachi belongs to.

Men like Tamachi are readily available off the rack especially in Sindh Assembly. Having been brought up in a male chauvinistic society, where women have always been the subservient class, the idea of women emancipation is whimsical. Ironically, these are the very men who determine the fate of public with their myopic mindsets and feudal leanings.

Our troubled legislator, who must have had a torrid time dealing with the city women did not end his tirade there. In a classical display of extreme wits, Tamachi requested the Government to announce 2012 as a "child free" year.

Himself a father of 5 and having experienced the pains of parenthood, Tamachi must have realized that life without children is better off. Reared by women who are self-obsessed with their rights and liberties, coming generations are bound to be a burden on the planet. Beware all the pregnant women or couples who are planning to raise a family, Tamachi has a game plan.

Men like Tamachi are under attack from the liberal, progressive forces who want to bring an end to this patriarchal psyche which offers women for honor killings and settling tribal feuds. Ruralization of urban areas is rampant and clash of cultural sensibilities is imminent. The battleground is all set for a gruesome fight....

wanderer - Blogger
Puffed up women, primmed to the finest details, ............................
Men like Tamachi are under attack from the liberal, progressive forces who want to bring an end to this patriarchal psyche which offers women for honor killings and settling tribal feuds. Ruralization of urban areas is rampant and clash of cultural sensibilities is imminent. The battleground is all set for a gruesome fight....

No sympathies for his sort.

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
Jam Tamachi feelings are not hard to understand specially by them, who had seen the interior Sind and backwardness prevailed there. 'Things' have not changed there since 1968-1970 and during a recent visit it was observed with delight that life is smiling there as against urban environ having growing 'tensions' without a hope of relief. Majority of forum members are bound to think it as an absurd post owing to their own inability to compare both life styles!