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    Asalamu'alaikum Dear Member,
    thank you for joining ONLY MUSLIM.after join it i would advise you to subscribe the group/discussion for updates on daily. it help keep you intuch with group alway. you can start new discussion/reply on others discussions.
    following you can subcribe
    1. http://www.siasat.pk/forum/group.php?groupid=6
    2. click on group tool
    3. select subscribe group
    4. select daily

    start new discussion
    1. Open main page of group.
    2. click on group tool (you can find it at right end croner of group name)
    3. chose post new discussion from dropdown of group tool.
    4. type/past your post & click on post message/go advanced.(you can click on go advanced if post message not work.)
    2. click on post new discussion (you can find it at right corner below group photo area or above old group discussions)

    if you can't see or find then let me know it
    take care
    your Brother
    salam beti ji

    kya haal hain tumharey. I wouldlike to stay and chat but its bed time salam sada khush raho

    tumhar khaloo
    You wrote: I was away for a couple of days and u GOT a medal ??? when was the ceremony how come u didn't invite me ??

    Medal about what dear?

    What a shameful act of being away for two days LOL How are things sweet? reply to [email protected]
    You wrote: We aren't friends yet, I've initiated it. I'd like to see how far Patriots can be taken. And I agree with some of your Ideas if not all. ( Just in case if agreement is the sole reason for friendships)

    You are my brother/sister. And on top of that you are from my motherland. Your disagreement with any or all portion of the Patriots has nothing to do with it.

    Love ya lots here is a big tight hugs to you: (((((((((((((((( wanderer )))))))))))))
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