C Chaos agent Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Apr 12, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12417883_1697281070545371_9220925864011655994_n.jpg?oh=f6f1e05af211c9c54b1cfd2388b8402d&oe=5783FF65&__gda__=1471870298_be3ce4bf1639a1bcacf85dc3603f82c8
J jaanmark Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Apr 13, 2016 #2 irrelevant irrelevant irrelevant zardari ,nawaz and altaf in Pakistan politic .
J jaanmark Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Apr 13, 2016 #3 nawaz zardari and altaf are totally irrelevant for Pakistanis , from us they go to hell or near to hell that London for those who lies ,crimenals and fraudster.
nawaz zardari and altaf are totally irrelevant for Pakistanis , from us they go to hell or near to hell that London for those who lies ,crimenals and fraudster.
A aneeskhan Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Apr 13, 2016 #5 Very God Comment from One- Nawaz Sharif should join "Pak Sar Zameen Party" Usska Sara Gunah Dhul Jayega Great Idea
Very God Comment from One- Nawaz Sharif should join "Pak Sar Zameen Party" Usska Sara Gunah Dhul Jayega Great Idea
F farooqak Minister (2k+ posts) Apr 13, 2016 #6 jab ek ayyan ali 500000 dollar ke smuggling mein bach gaye, ke bara ***** chor kaise pakra jaeh ga? i think shahid masood has become totally mad now and is living in another dimension
jab ek ayyan ali 500000 dollar ke smuggling mein bach gaye, ke bara ***** chor kaise pakra jaeh ga? i think shahid masood has become totally mad now and is living in another dimension