Khari Baat - 8th June 2011 - Mujeeb Shami & Nazeer Naji - For Strength of Pakistan, Save The Institu


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
i dont like nazir naji but today he talked very sensibly. we should stop bashing our army , it is hard time for us and need to get united otherwise our enemies will sweep us like garbage,,, time to wake up.....


Minister (2k+ posts)
I agree with nazir naji and shami but question here is ,we speak from both sides of our mouth. First we say the army and ISI is doing this and that and it should be checked and accountable but on the other hand we differ.Let me say it in very simple way, we all love our army and ISI but at the same time if there is something wrong ,nothing wrong to point it out so they can check it and remove the problem , so armed forces are not sacred cow( lets put it this way) if there is inside problem ,they should tackle it themselves so it wont become public.The criticism is going on civilians and armed forces all over the world because its normal and routine. There are just couple of people called rotten eggs who are giving bad name to this institution like Musharraf who was greedy for power.In OBL and mehran attack,there must be some low level bad apples who made pak look bad in world's eyes.They should be tried and court martialled otherwise the whole nation loves our army who is giving so much sacrifices to save the nation from those fanatics.
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