Well we have seen Zulfiqar Mirza when he was making money and property he was quiet and part of the government although what he now says about Zardari is 40+ years history so when he already know what Zardari have been doing for such a long time (including killing of scores of people and making this country bankrupt with every project having his finger prints on the deals, killer of Murtaza Bhutto and his unfortunate wife Benazir Bhutto) and once the plug was pulled off on Zulfiqar Mirza he started crying and yelling this is his part of being against PPP and on the other hand he is an ugly Qaum Parast with very few examples like him and MQM is against his basic affection (for whatever good or bad is in them) and the same goes for Punjabi Settlers in Sindh as for right now he not saying anything against them for the time being but the thought process he posses does not have any space for them as he is a regional based biased politicians and cannot take any other kind then his own kind and if people like him wins his next target will be Non Shia Sindhis as he himself said in an interview that I am a Stinking Shia so i just consider him a non serious, opportunist and criminal mentality and upbring. You keep feeding him he is fine you stop and he growls.