India's poverty will fall from 51% to 22% by 2015: UN report


The way things are it wouldnt take that long yaar. Very soon inshaAllah we shall conquer India and reestablish the Islamic justice system.

Justice for One and Justice for All, the Islamic Way

Is it still the fifth term agenda?, has it moved down or up?, please update.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Some truths and facts from Uncle Gazoo about reality of poverty.

All you Muslims talking about poverty, its upward or downward climbs w/o taking into account basic facts: POVERTY CAN NOT BE ELIMINATED.
I do not care what you say or what country you mention, Pakistan, India, US, UK, France, Germany.

Remember this mentioned in the Holy book:

....اور ہم نے امارت اور غربت بنایا ہے دنیا کا نظم مستحکم کرنے کے لیے مگر تم کو اسکا شعور نہیں ...

No matter how we try we can not fight with Allah's system. If you eliminate poverty amongst, say 50 million Pakistanis, then with the economic system that Allah has set out for people, over 50million poor will be created to balance the system as mentioned in Quran. Poverty can not be eliminated specially in a riba ridden economy.

What Pakistanis complain is not the poverty but source of poverty itself - injustices, inequalities, favoritism, loot maar, chori chamari, ghaban, suppression of talents and outspoken people. Those who are good are being belittled, pushed in darkness. We have known thru media many young and old talents that are being shunned from financial investments to invent new items. Poverty is here to stay, but we need justice n equality.

Now few words about India

One would have to be very naive to believe that India has eliminated poverty amongst, say 50 million citizens in 10 years, we must not forget that poverty will grow by much more than 50 million in 10 years.

Poverty is never eliminated, its always shifted from one set of people to another set. For example, 50 million from the Silicon south will come out of poverty, but the poverty will actually be shifted to northeast (Assam etc), north (Bihar etc), and northwest and west (Aruna, Uttaran, Hariana, Rajhistan, and Khalistan) areas.

So Pakistanis should not even think of eliminating poverty. Instead think of bringing about justice, equalities, development. Pakistanis rather be poor and happy than rich with spiraling inflation and too much money to commit 'israaf', an act totally forbidden.

In case of India, we should assume that these could be true also. No country, economy wizards have come up with a barometer that can actually and truly measure the true effect of elimination of poverty.

1, It may be a case of false reporting
2, report may have come out to influence govt so that govt can concentrate on some other matters.
3, Those 'gurus' with the IMF, UN are nothing but useless 'experts' who sit in stuffed chairs and write what the govts want to hear. At times, specially if an election is around the corner, reports are created to influence the elections.

in today's society every white man/woman with little bit education, media support, and good lap top becomes an instant expert (just add water type) and starts writing. We, the brown people from Pak continent have been brainwashed to think that every white person is a superior person but fact of the matter is that whites are far inferior to browns.

I remember a movie where the Iranian ambassador said to his American counterpart : What are you talking about? When we were civilized, you were eating ants.

Moral of my post: Instead of fighting Allah (and you will never win) and attempt to eliminate poverty, bring in justice, equality, and development. True for Pak and Ind members.
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Some truths and facts from Uncle Gazoo about reality of poverty.

All you Muslims talking about poverty, its upward or downward climbs w/o taking into account basic facts: POVERTY CAN NOT BE ELIMINATED.
I do not care what you say or what country you mention, Pakistan, India, US, UK, France, Germany.

Remember this mentioned in the Holy book:

....اور ہم نے امارت اور غربت بنایا ہے دنیا کا نظم مستحکم کرنے کے لیے مگر تم کو اسکا شعور نہیں ...

No matter how we try we can not fight with Allah's system. If you eliminate poverty amongst, say 50 million Pakistanis, then with the economic system that Allah has set out for people, over 50million poor will be created to balance the system as mentioned in Quran. Poverty an not b eliminated specially in a riba ridden economy.

What Pakistanis complain is not the poverty but source of poverty itself - injustices, inequalities, favoritism, loot maar, chori chamari, ghaban, suppression of talents and outspoken people. Those who are good are being belittled, pushed in darkness. We have known thru media many young and old talents that are being shunned from financial investments to invent new items. Poverty is here to stay, but we need justice n equality.

Now few words about India

One would have to be very naive to believe that India has eliminated poverty amongst, say 50 million citizens in 10 years, we must not forget that poverty will grow by much more than 50 million in 10 years.

Poverty is never eliminated, its always shifted from one set of people to another set. For example, 50 million from the Silicon south will come out of poverty, but the poverty will actually be shifted to northeast (Assam etc), north (Bihar etc), and northwest and west (Aruna, Uttaran, Hariana, Rajhistan, and Khalistan) areas.

So Pakistanis should not even think of eliminating poverty. Instead think of bringing about justice, equalities, development. Pakistanis rather be poor and happy than rich with spiraling inflation and too much money to commit 'israaf', an act totally forbidden.

In case of India, we should assume that these could be true also. No country, economy wizards have come up with a barometer that can actually and truly measure the true effect of elimination of poverty.

1, It may be a case of false reporting
2, report may have come out to influence govt so that govt can concentrate on some other matters.
3, Those 'gurus' with the IMF, UN are nothing but useless 'experts' who sit in stuffed chairs and write what the govts want to hear. At times, specially if an election is around the corner, reports are created to influence the elections.

in today's society every white man/woman with little bit education, media support, and good lap top becomes an instant expert (just add water type) and starts writing. We, the brown people from Pak continent have been brainwahsed to think that every white person is a superior person but fact of the matter is that whites are far inferior to browns.

I remember a movie where the Iranian ambassador said to his American counterpart : What are you talking about? When we were civilized, you were eating ants.

Moral of my post: Instead of fighting Allah (and you will never win) and attempt to eliminate poverty, bring in justice, equality, and development. True for Pak and Ind members.

Thats a reasonable assesment. I will vote for a Ribba free system. I always end up on the losing end of Ribba, I pay more and collect little.

You got to start a workable model first. You should make it a priority of your first term agenda.
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MPA (400+ posts)
Some truths and facts from Uncle Gazoo about reality of poverty.

All you Muslims talking about poverty, its upward or downward climbs w/o taking into account basic facts: POVERTY CAN NOT BE ELIMINATED.
I do not care what you say or what country you mention, Pakistan, India, US, UK, France, Germany.

Remember this mentioned in the Holy book:

....اور ہم نے امارت اور غربت بنایا ہے دنیا کا نظم مستحکم کرنے کے لیے مگر تم کو اسکا شعور نہیں ...

No matter how we try we can not fight with Allah's system. If you eliminate poverty amongst, say 50 million Pakistanis, then with the economic system that Allah has set out for people, over 50million poor will be created to balance the system as mentioned in Quran. Poverty an not b eliminated specially in a riba ridden economy.

What Pakistanis complain is not the poverty but source of poverty itself - injustices, inequalities, favoritism, loot maar, chori chamari, ghaban, suppression of talents and outspoken people. Those who are good are being belittled, pushed in darkness. We have known thru media many young and old talents that are being shunned from financial investments to invent new items. Poverty is here to stay, but we need justice n equality.

Now few words about India

One would have to be very naive to believe that India has eliminated poverty amongst, say 50 million citizens in 10 years, we must not forget that poverty will grow by much more than 50 million in 10 years.

Poverty is never eliminated, its always shifted from one set of people to another set. For example, 50 million from the Silicon south will come out of poverty, but the poverty will actually be shifted to northeast (Assam etc), north (Bihar etc), and northwest and west (Aruna, Uttaran, Hariana, Rajhistan, and Khalistan) areas.

So Pakistanis should not even think of eliminating poverty. Instead think of bringing about justice, equalities, development. Pakistanis rather be poor and happy than rich with spiraling inflation and too much money to commit 'israaf', an act totally forbidden.

In case of India, we should assume that these could be true also. No country, economy wizards have come up with a barometer that can actually and truly measure the true effect of elimination of poverty.

1, It may be a case of false reporting
2, report may have come out to influence govt so that govt can concentrate on some other matters.
3, Those 'gurus' with the IMF, UN are nothing but useless 'experts' who sit in stuffed chairs and write what the govts want to hear. At times, specially if an election is around the corner, reports are created to influence the elections.

in today's society every white man/woman with little bit education, media support, and good lap top becomes an instant expert (just add water type) and starts writing. We, the brown people from Pak continent have been brainwahsed to think that every white person is a superior person but fact of the matter is that whites are far inferior to browns.

I remember a movie where the Iranian ambassador said to his American counterpart : What are you talking about? When we were civilized, you were eating ants.

Moral of my post: Instead of fighting Allah (and you will never win) and attempt to eliminate poverty, bring in justice, equality, and development. True for Pak and Ind members.

Then why did u move to a non Muslim
Country for prosperity and money against
The wishes if the Allah....and spent ur life
In concentration camps un Dhaka as poor.
I feel pity for ppl who try to justify their
Jahalaat in light of a religion and when their
Own life and actions contradict to what they preach.

Money has not only material aspect but
It is driving factor behind self reliance,
Self respect and freedom...God appreciate
Humans efforts to strive for these qualities
Of life.



Then why did u move to a non Muslim
Country for prosperity and money against
The wishes if the Allah....and spent ur life
In concentration camps un Dhaka as poor.
I feel pity for ppl who try to justify their
Jahalaat in light of a religion and when their
Own life and actions contradict to what they preach.

Money has not only material aspect but
It is driving factor behind self reliance,
Self respect and freedom...God appreciate
Humans efforts to strive for these qualities
Of life.

It does not matter where one moves to a good idea is a good idea everywhere.


MPA (400+ posts)
My Dear, again you have to appreciate the hard and smart work by Indians, they have convert wealth direction towards their country and beneficiaries are their own Indian what ever will happen to US, Europe etc etc, its all because of great and honest policy of Indian towards India and matter, whatever the argument you will debate........concrete reality cannot be denied........whole conclusion is they are working as Indian...not living in world of fantasy, and are not being fooled by individuals in the name of religion, as well as in the name of ethnicity, they are not scattered and are not dying for individuals.

Today when I call for any multi national global companies, like Microsoft, Bell, Roger, sys-link etc etc....all my calls end up at Indian station and they provide service, which money can I don't think we have any one good reason to controvize this story of success. Should learn lesson, how to get united first and then set goals to achieve.

Your point has answer in it, Can you name any Indian organisation who is working without support of Zoinist ...Microsoft etc etc all have shares in major IT departments of India.
They are using Indians and in reward giving them small salary .... (One of my Indian class fellow got Job in Texas Instrubment (india) he replied "Agar main na Inida main hi job kerni thi to itnay pasay harch ker ka europe kion ayaaa perhnanay ka lia".
I know very talented people from India but their talent is being used to devolp Zoinist system.
They will be flourish till Zionist system allow them to ... then
I can provide my personal experience how my classfellow are surviving in India.
Being digital designer, my prediction is in near future China will be in power and US (lord of Indians) is trying to destabilize Pakistan and helping India to stop Chinas progress.

I hope you will understand what I am trying to say. We as Pakistni need unity (DEEN E ISLAM) and then you will see by the help of ALLAH we will make better Processor then Intel at TORA BORA

Lets see when we will follow our Islamic system and then ....................................... 100% agree with Wadaich bai

@Bret Hawk , @biomat , @faiza , @gazoomartian , @c4cheema , @cefspan , @maksyed
These are truths one cannot deny. But U cannot have this even if U become Turkey to get membership of Europe. Economics and brotherhood come side by side. Yes of course if U are ready to forsake your faith (as told by Allah (SWT)) only then U have some slightest chance and adopt those practices which are not allowed by UR lord. U know Porn Industry is the most lucrative. And tourism is also so if U provide their desired luxury/facilities and what are these U know better.

In this regard the biggest deception and hypocrisy is segregating religion from business, underneath which they do all the damage. Apparently, they preach this but in reality they are hardcore religious fanatics and their everything is based on their deep beliefs. All the multinational corporations of the bankers are working on strict religious agenda. And any truth which exposes them is rejected as "Conspiracy Theory" and the mental pygmy and stooges among us blow this trumpet even more loudly as they themselves do.

Many simpletons and morons among us are made to believe that they have forsaken religions as it is hindrance in the progress. So we must not compare ourselves with them in their mockeries. In case we are believers in Allah (SWT) then we must believe in the guidance provided by HIM (SWT) not partially but as a whole.
The sorry state of affairs we are in, is the fruit of the trees which they sew in early 20th century when Khilafat was destroyed due to our incompetence and Muslims states were balkanized into tiny harmless states like Abu Dhabi, Dubai and the likes. Let us have guidance from Allah (SWT) and adopt ourselves to exist in the current state with Hikmat. And work for the betterment of Ummah. The "Ummah" is a world most ridiculed and laughed out by the morons and stooges among us on the agenda of the Globalists. But By Allah (SWT) whomsoever has been firm in his belief in HIM (SWT) has been given the "Istqaamat" . May Allah (SWT) guide us all.


The way things are it wouldnt take that long yaar. Very soon inshaAllah we shall conquer India and reestablish the Islamic justice system.

Justice for One and Justice for All, the Islamic Way

why are you making fool out of yourself by posting such irrelevant posts :)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Your point has answer in it, Can you name any Indian organisation who is working without support of Zoinist ...Microsoft etc etc all have shares in major IT departments of India.
They are using Indians and in reward giving them small salary .... (One of my Indian class fellow got Job in Texas Instrubment (india) he replied "Agar main na Inida main hi job kerni thi to itnay pasay harch ker ka europe kion ayaaa perhnanay ka lia".
I know very talented people from India but their talent is being used to devolp Zoinist system.
They will be flourish till Zionist system allow them to ... then
I can provide my personal experience how my classfellow are surviving in India.
Being digital designer, my prediction is in near future China will be in power and US (lord of Indians) is trying to destabilize Pakistan and helping India to stop Chinas progress.

I hope you will understand what I am trying to say. We as Pakistni need unity (DEEN E ISLAM) and then you will see by the help of ALLAH we will make better Processor then Intel at TORA BORA

Lets see when we will follow our Islamic system and then ....................................... 100% agree with Wadaich bai

Dear Cheema Sahab,

Thanks for your time and remarks,

I believe we are not in argument of Zionist or non Zionist.....its very simple thread, we are talking about increase in growth and decrease of poverty in India, there are lot of reasons to achieve these accomplishments, all we need to do, is to become open hearted and try to learn from them, if you have anything to say in this regard, please do so, otherwise I am not interested in wasting time.

We should be realistic and this is what I have mentioned earlier............