Imran Khan should apologize to the nation for his fake allegations after JC report :- Saleem Safi


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
and your parent must beg an apology to the whole world who gave brith to someone like you


Senator (1k+ posts)
Wo 35 punctures wo pm ke kurse wo ch Eftkhar wo Sab Jhoot propganda niazi ban Gaya Jo gali de apne maan behen ko zehen mein rakhay


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Ok so the verdict was against PTI. What I have been unable to fathom is why so many anchors are asking Imran Khan to apologize to the public? I mean, WTF? Who in their right frame of mind says that elections werent rigged?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

یار تم لوگ اس معافی نامے کو سنتے کیوں ہو
وہ بھی جیو پر

اوپر آپ کے مفکر اعظم قبلہ حسن نثار صاحب فرما رہے ہیں
کہ یہ انصافیوں کے لیے دھچکا نہیں تو سکون سے جا کر سو جاؤ
ایوں اپنا خون جلا رہے ہو

Safi would sell his mother for fame & blame his own father that he did not bring him up properly, who care what this uneductaed intellactual says i would rather perfer listining to khan's dog than safi.


Minister (2k+ posts)
The issue is, no substantial evidence, not a single one was presented by PTI. At least a single piece of evidence should be able to justify the allegations (not the verdict). No 35 puncture thing was mentioned, Iftikhar Ch., Ramday, nobody was even summoned to the court of law by PTI's lawyers. I mean at least a single piece of concrete evidence should have had been presented by the accusers. Just calling names and saying it all was true isn't enough when you claim to lead the nation or asking others to find evidence for them, was this a joke?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I agree with Hasan Nisar sb that only blind ,mad and senseless person would say that any election in Pakistan are fair and transparent,if the 2013 election are fair then stop crying about Zia's and Mushraf referendum.none of the single seat in any area of Pakistan some one would say that this is fair mandate of Peoples of that area ,the results are always manipulated by so called muqtader halqay whether they are from judiciary ,army and bureaucracy and some big foreign powers as well


Minister (2k+ posts)
as expected if it is true? Pti should accept it gracefully, because now pti is on an advantage, why? Whole country knows and also witnessed massive rigging! From here on all symphty is with pti, and they are in win win situation, but one condition remain to be tackled, that will be all out assualt on pti from noon league on their highly paid media, also exact favour has to be paid back by 3 big media houses to noon, get redy pti, major assualt is on it's way or already started. These 3 judges were inducted by ch. Iftikhar in their positions and they did save their retirement plans, they will live a good life hereafter(retirement), it is a closed chepter. Well done pti, don't feel that you lost, you have won over millions of hearts and minds, and it is a moral victory, other way around the corrupt mafia has to live with it....
