Imran Khan Emerges as a Statesman With Vision


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Please guide us as we are not aware. Where did you saw honesty???
Contradiction since last 15 years is what he has brought us.
I just ask where is the money coming from all those misllions of rupees for the dharnas by which he achieved nothing but for sure help army to negotiate with america on better terms. So this is what pakistanis worth is in his eyes to be used for army??? IS HE SICK?
Lier and munafiq azam

Just keep on criticizing is not the answer.Yes everybody is a liar,munafiq and a murderer.I completely agree with you but suggest an alternate ? What we should do ? Who's the best person to lead the country who can take us out of this dirty mess ? Criticism without a viable solution is meaningless.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
At least some one should write vision of this visionary leader.

Today if Nawaz Shareef decide to shake hand with Army & establishment, Imran Khan's politics will be finished.

Cheetah has been doing his politics on the shoulders of MQM/Altaf and now Nawaz Shareef.

Where is vision and what is vision.

Baida gharq ho gaya Pakistan ka

Satiya nas ho gaya Pakistan ka

What else...............he have in his politic.

Hey you the shadow man!
Come out of the darkness and open your eyes
Imran's vision is right there!


MPA (400+ posts)
So you guys dont have a reply but just keep rubbing your arses??? is that all
I guess its all. Cause when that sicko Imran doesnt know what he is doing then how would others?
Would some one tell me if he would stand with his new friends MQM in so much pressure?? where is all that love he was showing for Alfat???
He changes like no one else changes in politics. One day east other day west thats his policy. Same like mullah munafiq diesel

call yourself shadow-man, usm100, garry317, contra or watever... a schizophrenic indo, gud for nuffin, will always waste his energies on a website which doesnt cater to their country's problems or politics... i wish i cud say "get a lif" unfortunately, u cant.. unless u go to mental hospital first :)

this site is designed to exchange opinions between two or more different parties(in constructive way).. its not pak-vs-india cricket match that u guys r dying to get a score here...