
  1. insaf-seeker

    Imran Khan's prediction 15 years ago!

    ٢٠٠٢ کے الیکشن میں جب میں ایک سٹوڈنٹ تھا، میری ملاقات عمران خان سے لاہور کے پی سی ہوٹل میں ایک سیاسی میٹنگ میں ہوئ، عمران خان جب ہوٹل کی لابی میں داخل ہوۓ تو صرف وو لوگ آگے بڑھ کر ملے جن کی عمر 40 سال سے زیادہ تھی میں ایک طرف ہو کر صرف اس ملاقات کو دیکھ رہا تھا، خان صاحب صوفے پر بیٹھے اور چاروں...
  2. iSupportPTI

    We need to practically follow Quaid's principles to build a new Pakistan as per his vision.

  3. ealtaf

    Imran Khan Emerges as a Statesman With Vision

    PRESS RELEASE Islamabad, September 5: According to the latest consignment of Wikileaks, Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan has emerged as the only politician who stood up for safeguarding the interests and stakes of his country during the course of discussions with various US...
  4. ealtaf

    This is What we want in Pakistan - PTI's Vision to Solve Pakistan Energy Crisis

    SOLUTION TO PAKISTANS ENERGY CRISIS PTIs One of the Priority For Pakistan to excel and develop a sustainable economic growth, energy self reliance is a vital, key element. The abundance of power shortages in Pakistan is harmful to the countrys economy and it is pulling down Pakistans GDP...
  5. P

    Vision of Great Ashfaq saab

  6. mh.saghir

    Jinnah's vision; A Pakistan nationalism not Provincialism

    I wish, everyone could understand this.
  7. hroonj2k3

    Inspiring Struggle & Vision of Quaid-e-Imran Life Journey

    Inspiring Struggle & Vision of Quaid-e-Imran Life Journey So looking forward for his Book release in September
  8. A

    Vision of a True Patriot - Musharraf with PJ Mir 2nd Part

  9. M_Adnan.L

    Can we sell our Naval Cheifs BMW and get our jawans some proper night vision goggles and body armor?

    we all saw the pomp and power and white BMW the naval chief used in arriving at the Mehran Base after every thing had been cleared away. It seems he stopped over from his way to the golf course at Karsaz only minutes away from the base. Does he even realise the foolishness, ineptness and sorry...
  10. Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

    Computer Vision Syndrome

    Computer Vision Syndrome describes a group of eye and vision related problems that result from prolonged computer use. Many individuals experience eye discomfort and vision problems when viewing a computer screen for extended periods. The level of discomfort appears to increase with the amount...
