Re: Gen. Kiyani had ordered army to rig elections of 2013: Ch. Shujaat Claims
PTI supporters have always said that Kiyani was involved, they say establishment backs IK
18 years of struggle by IK and still NO PM spot, compared too NS how long was he around before he got PM.
IK offered PM position IK rejected due too Musharraf not following 7 point agenda
Most of Musharraf tenure IK was against him
GK was involved in election rigging, if ISI or army was gonna back IK they would have done it in 2013 elections, but GK himself signed a paper to say that elections were free and fair, if this is the case how did he know was there in every booth watching the vote counting himself?
Now in 2014, a new General in the name of Sharif........ are establishment with IK now?
well IK container has been shot at also tear gased, many people have got injured and some have been killed in Islamabad but no sign of army, if they were gonna get involved the day people died and cried out for help army would have got involved, but they did nothing they required one phone call it all would have stopped.
Zilch, I do not think establishment wants IK, if they did help I am happy with that.