'FLOTILLA' ISRAEL attacks aid ship headed for Palestine - [Update: Israel rejects UN multinational i


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
If anything happens to Talat Hussain, I will be more than devastated. He is hands down the best anchor in Pakistan and I follow him all the time. I'm so emotional right I can't explain in words, I feel like my real brother is in trouble. If something happens, hatred against Israel will increase 1000 fold more in Pakistan!!


Senator (1k+ posts)
If anything happens to Talat Hussain, I will be more than devastated. He is hands down the best anchor in Pakistan and I follow him all the time. I'm so emotional right I can't explain in words, I feel like my real brother is in trouble. If something happens, hatred against Israel will increase 1000 fold more in Pakistan!!

We all feel the same way , if something happens to him or the other pakistanis i say nuke israel to bits ..invade from all fronts and kill every single zionist alive whatever the reprecussions.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Now America will not take any action on it. They will cry like hell if small incident happened in Muslim country. They are liars, they don’t have values. Now Inshallah this is the time for them and their bastards ofspring like israel will come to in their senses. America is very soon …………


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
This act by the Israelis is deplorable to the extreme and it should be condemned in the strongest way possible on the international stage. At the same time, I pray for the safe return of our much-loved TV anchor “Talat Hussain”. But I do wonder if the Muslim world as unit has any back bone to stand-up jointly against this blatant aggression……… its enough!


Minister (2k+ posts)
The Best Strategy at da moment to get latest info about the safety of Talat and our other pakistanies is to put pressure on all levels on our Government especially Foreign Minister to contact ppl in Jordan,Egypt or USA,the closest ones to Israel.some journalists have already gathered in islo resquesting the Government to look nd ask for Talat Sab on serious terms.mins ago Hamid mir,Kashif Abassi,Mazhar abbas,Nusrat javed,ansar abbasi,Fahad hussaian,Javed chaudry etc were live on ajj tive with Nadeem malikthey all looked so worried and concerned about talat sabsome of them said,if anyone of the missing pakistanies were alive or not captured by israelies,they would have responded uptil now to all those trying to contact them from backhome.Nadeem malik even called Shah Mehmood Qureshi,and all this loser saidim also worried and will try to look for talat hussain and other ppl along with him..such is da state of our rulers!!!


Senator (1k+ posts)
Please do not blame Israel, it is a very tiny state, so tiny that it can be discovered within 10 to 15 hours, but A BIG BUT, the states surrounding this state are all impotent, these Muslim states are real impotent state, including all gulf states ruled by Muslim leaders, including all Muslim states around the globe are responsible to make Israel a monster, because it is governed by USA and no Muslim country have a tongue to speak out a word for what he is doing, these Muslim states are friends to Israel under the table. If these states get united he don’t have the guts to play around with Muslims, our memory is very short last year in broad day light attack Palestine and bombed there areas like hell, from all corners there was bombed raining from everywhere, and we was viewing this from our air-conditioned and cosy atmosphere sitting and drinking coffee, not a single state stood up to stop them and for several days there was bomb raining from everywhere, and poor Palestinian was just crying and carrying their dead, there home was bombed, man build a house from his total earning in his life, if you destroy this house, it mean he is now a beggar, this house can never be build again, none of the rich Muslim state gave money to them, they have money to gamble in USA or around the world. Now Israel is a threat to the peace of the world, why don’t they accept the legitimacy to Palestine why don’t he sit down with Muslim countries around the world and sort out the problems for once and all, until and unless these Muslim state gets united he will kept on ruling everywhere, Iran is one state who is tough with them but it looks like a noora kushti, because Jews are living Iranian territories, and they good friend to these Jews as they have some graves of Jews who are important in their religion, I wish and pray to Al-mighty that we live in peace and all Muslim states gets united and sent a strong message.


Voter (50+ posts)
nipali tera sir phar doon ga .. nikaal idher seey .. Zaid hamid teray ghar ghusa tha jo tu us kay peechay peri haiu ....



MPA (400+ posts)
If this isn't an act of terrorism what is?! These people were unarmed, simply trying to get humanitarian aid to the malnourished Palestinians of Gaza, and they have been attacked and killed. With the amount of military might Israel has, they could've easily intercepted these boats without any casualties!


At best, civilised people of the world will call it sad incident and keep quiet.
These are the REAL terrorists, they will probably get away by claiming that the aid was going to terrorists.


Senator (1k+ posts)
You are absolutely right contra. Why these people take law in their hand? Turky is responsible for this scenario.This is end less war..Why can't you report to the international community? why can't you try to resolve this peaceful instead of going to war zone.Pakistani should keep itself away from this problem as there are plenty more within Pakistan.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Shocking, absolutely disgusted at this.

Israel as a country has sunk to new lows.

There should be severe consequence's, but I expect nothing to happen other than a lame UN resolution condemning Israel while "exercising her right to self defence".


Senator (1k+ posts)
The Israeli soldiers were attacked with knifes and sticks. What do you expect from them? That they should have boarded the ship armed with knives and sticks too?
Get real friends...


MPA (400+ posts)
The Israeli soldiers were attacked with knifes and sticks. What do you expect from them? That they should have boarded the ship armed with knives and sticks too?
Get real friends...

You are a bloody idiot. Whats with your obsession of defending Israel at any cost? How come none of this is in International media? Source? How about think before you post next time? Or just leave the site


Minister (2k+ posts)
The Israeli soldiers were attacked with knifes and sticks. What do you expect from them? That they should have boarded the ship armed with knives and sticks too?
Get real friends...
You won the award of giving the most stupid logic ever. I salute you for your stupidity.

Bret Hawk

Senator (1k+ posts)
Instead of tallat hussian, I really wish zahil hamid was in that boat, leading by example. I think if he(ZH) only sees real Israeli soldier he will die from heart attack. To all Muslims, don't be hypocrites, why are you angry at Israel? you should be angry with yourself. These fat Arabs have money to burn. They spend millions on prostitutes and luxury cars. But 1 billion Muslims just sit and curse Israel, where is your unity, Year after year Israel attacks you and you look on and curse hoping that by cursing you will achieve something. If all Muslim countries speak with one voice then they can bring all sides together and there will be settlement to the Israel -Arab conflict. What more do you need, you have all the resources (black gold) nuclear weopens etc etc. Why can'y you solve this problem by yourself? If Muslim world doesn't have what it takes to solve these problems then these grandstanding is just a show a fiasco. I hope for two country solution, Israel and Palestine living in peace side by side.

I couldn’t agree more than what you’ve mentioned in your reply which is befitting enough to open the eyes of the hallucinated stricken masses of this country cast by the imposters like Zaid Hamid and other mouthpieces of the filthy establishment of Pakistan. Secondly I do agree with your suggestion of the unity among the rank and file of these so called Muslim states. No matter how much we explicate on this topic majority of the people don’t even care to notice about these suggestions. And yes so true if at any point this semi-dead and deeply slumbered communities of Muslim unite around the world than only their urine is enough to submerge this illegal state of Israel, needless to gather any more resources and weapons (The same language which some of your Indian counterparts use when they express their anger against Pakistan).

Finally I would beg to differ on your last point that the lasting peace can be achieved by the peaceful co-existence of the Palestinian and Israeli states, that would be a same nave analogy to hope for a snake and weasel’s “peaceful co-existence” at any given place. The only solution which could be more plausible and effective for the long term peace and stability of this whole world in the future is to exterminate this filthy Jewish race once and for all. No doubt by embarking on this cleansing process Muslims might also suffer some heavy casualties during this course but such losses would be damn worth-full I can safely tell you that.


The Israeli soldiers were attacked with knifes and sticks. What do you expect from them? That they should have boarded the ship armed with knives and sticks too?
Get real friends...

beta apney najaiz baap ka difa nhi krey ga to kiska krey ga.
Isareli teree man ko dhondney ships pe gayee they??


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You are absolutely right contra. Why these people take law in their hand? Turky is responsible for this scenario.This is end less war..Why can't you report to the international community? why can't you try to resolve this peaceful instead of going to war zone.Pakistani should keep itself away from this problem as there are plenty more within Pakistan.

I think you are spitting in the face of the international community which has all unanimously denounced this act.
If this is the case then I hope you will also not consider the killing of Daniel Pearl as an outrageous and heinous act. He also knowingly went into a dangerous area and paid the price.

I used to disagree with people here who said you guys were rabid anti Pakistan people who would always say opposite to what we said here but from the current comments it seems I was wrong.

Have some shame and some spine.