Ch. Shujaat Says Zardari Played Fabulous Politics...Special Interview


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
they r all B*****ds .. look at his answers.... and we r even worst then them who electing them again & again & again


Minister (2k+ posts)
Politics for these pricks simply means how long to stay in power and how much personal gains you get during your stay in power. And zardari has mastered that aspect using small pricks like the one talking. Becuase they are all after one goal. So somthing which this retarded prick could n't acheive, he has to think big of zardari for acheiving it.
On the other hand fabolous politics by these pricks took the nation down than ethopia in failed states list !


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
He is very happy that his people are ministers.......wake up pakistan........ before its too late.


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