Can anybody explain me about CNN


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I am watching CNN regularly from past 4 months,
I noticed that they are very active in Middle East. There were many reporters in Cairo and now a day in Libya making reports. Every one reporting like Hollywood film. But now in Japan most of their reports from NHK channel.
Why this? They are not allowed in Japan or CNN only against Muslim?
Can anybody notice this?


MPA (400+ posts)
In canada no one watching CNN beause they are full of lie.Half world they dont trust CNN.


MPA (400+ posts)
CNN = Chicken and Noodles Network

if you want correct news or actual news switch to RT Russia today its the best news channels


Minister (2k+ posts)
CNN has lost his cradibility because they have no more monopoly !

Sun rises in the East (China) and sets in the west. The next century is for the chines domination. They are good
friends of Pakistan.


Councller (250+ posts)
I am watching CNN regularly from past 4 months,
I noticed that they are very active in Middle East. There were many reporters in Cairo and now a day in Libya making reports. Every one reporting like Hollywood film. But now in Japan most of their reports from NHK channel.
Why this? They are not allowed in Japan or CNN only against Muslim?
Can anybody notice this?

News Channels cannot afford to have reporters and beaurues in every country of the world. They usually have reporters in places which are in news frequently, say middle east or south Asia or China. Thus they have their reporters in these places.
On the other hand, a country like Japan, or Mongolia or Costa Rica are rarely in the news, thus most international news networks do not have permanent reporters over there. And when they do need a story, they buy it from the local news agencies as they have far better coverage and reach.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I am watching CNN regularly from past 4 months,
I noticed that they are very active in Middle East. There were many reporters in Cairo and now a day in Libya making reports. Every one reporting like Hollywood film. But now in Japan most of their reports from NHK channel.
Why this? They are not allowed in Japan or CNN only against Muslim?
Can anybody notice this?

It would be prudent for you to pose this question or any regarding the CNN to CNN and then let us know what they say to you or not.


Voter (50+ posts)
dont know about you , but saw sanjay gupta and anderson cooper and others in japan the other day .but ofcourse everything is against muslims no one has anything better to do .