can any on explain this video please


Minister (2k+ posts)
Nawaz knew much earlier than zrdari presidentship that he is corrupt he was called mister 10 % much earlier than that . Why he helped zradri to become president. Why he told khwaja asif to object upon amin fahim presidency ? when nawaz sharif was helping zrdari to become president imran khan was holding anti zrdari rallies telling people zrdari shouod not be president.
This is called mukmukka . they made him president then 5 years they called him zarbaba and shebaz saying will hang him upside down and stuff.then saying he will not welcome him and will leave govt instead.Then sharif brother throw party in his farewell.
what is muk- mukka if this not ? imran khan was opposed zradari all these years and nawaz zardari were bahi bhai all these years

youtube working in pkaistan if any one wants to watch it on dailymotion i will upload the video to dailymotion as well


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
پٹواری ایسے تھریڈ پر نہیں آتے اور نا ہی ایسی باتوں کا جواب دیتے ہیں. پٹواریوں کو آجکل زرداری نے آموں اور ایم کیو ایم نے نہاری کھانے پر لگایا ھوا ہے


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)


Minister (2k+ posts)
What a hypocrate Jhoothi Nalaik League is this..Thanks God I have never voted for them...

What is so sad is the mindset of patwaries. They gather like vultures when a thread is anti pti but when they see something is against pmln even with proof they stay away don't even have the heart to comment .ALL we want them is to know facts and decide afterwards. they know these facts i think still supporting PMLN which is GHADDARi in my view
