Babar Awan Contempt of Court Case- Arrogant behaviour in Court - heated arguments with Judges.


Councller (250+ posts)
There are no details, but if he tell the truth to the court he did the right thing.

Bravo Mr. Awan, you are my hero now.


Councller (250+ posts)
i can bet he will be sent to jail.,.,..

That is why I am calling him a hero. There are many who calls a dictator when he is gone. If he has the courge to call a corrupt judge a corrupt and goes to jail then he is a HERO.


Councller (250+ posts)
That is why I am calling him a hero. There are many who calls a dictator when he is gone. If he has the courge to call a corrupt judge a corrupt and goes to jail then he is a HERO.

What an argument/justification for calling "Babar Awan" a hero! Splendid my distinguished colleague. 'Hats Off' for showing this brilliance (Hidden-earlier).


Councller (250+ posts)

What an argument/justification for calling "Babar Awan" a hero! Splendid my distinguished colleague. 'Hats Off' for showing this brilliance (Hidden-earlier).

CJ became a hero because he stood up for his job against Musharraf (although Musharraf had a right to remove him on corruption charges).

Mr. Baber is standing against the arrogance of supreme court despite the threat of impresonment, he is not a HERO. It will be double standard if he is not?

Everyone fear Supreme Court these days. No news channel is allowed to air any more interviews of Malik Riaz, Many of my comments are not posted on this forum if they are against SC.

