Answer to Non-Muslim people,Why Muslims do not to eat PORK

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Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Answer to Non-Muslim people,Why Muslims do not to eat PO

Friends, Brother...
1. First lets be very clear, it were the Jews who originally believed that pork should not be eaten. Muslims copied this practice from them, similarly circumcision of male child has also been adopted from the Jews.

2. Joel Osteen (can also be written as Ostein, and i think this is how he used to write all understand i hope what "Ostein" signifies.) is a salesman, and he is selling his product i.e. Christianity.
By simple observation one should know that eating pork is harmful to the body. The amount of fat that the pigs body can store, needless to say the ill effects on the heart.

3. All pigs don't eat their own excrement. I think pork or hog doesn't do this.(Though Iam not sure of this.)

The point I am trying to make is that we don't need a "holy" book to tell us what to do. We humans have evolved enough to decide for ourselves. To learn from trial and error.

4. My friends, a salesman get a commision when he sells a product. He might not always have the best interests of the customer in mind when he sells the product. So...don't blindly trust the salesman...DO YOUR HOMEWORK.

5. Even beef is considered harmful, especially for adults who are above 40yrs. of age and for pregnant women.

Think about it...

Nepali Pandit

MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Answer to Non-Muslim people,Why Muslims do not to eat PO

Care about Nature, Care about your health be VEGETARIAN. Its good for you....


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Answer to Non-Muslim people,Why Muslims do not to eat PO

1. First lets be very clear, it were the Jews who originally believed that pork should not be eaten. Muslims copied this practice from them,

All food was lawful unto the children of Israel, save that which Israel (Yaqoob) forbade himself, (in days) before the Torah was revealed. Say: Produce the Torah and read it (unto us) if ye are truthful (3:93)

And whoever shall invent a falsehood after that concerning Allah, such will be wrong doers.(3:94)

These verses clearly indicate that Children of Israel were given freedom of eating everything before their Holy Book was revealed. Therefore, your saying that their "believed" is not correct. In fact they themselves invented so many things. Our Scripture does verify the earlier Scrpitures, therefore it is not question of "copying" anything.
In every religion, there are some do and donts, and that is the test for its followers.
Care about Nature, Care about your health be VEGETARIAN. Its good for you.
All those who eat meat are not health-wise down and all vegetarian are not very sound. A "balanced" approach rather is very good, although I myself am a fruits lovers a lot.

foqia khan

MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Answer to Non-Muslim people,Why Muslims do not to eat PO

contra said:
5. Even beef is considered harmful, especially for adults who are above 40yrs. of age and for pregnant women.

Think about it...

1. From the famous hadith collection Zd al-ma‘d by Ibn Qayyim:

First, the hadith in the original Arabic:
‘an suhayb radiya Allh ‘anhu yarfa‘uhu:
‘alaykum bi-laban al-baqar fa-innah shif' wa-samnuh daw' wa-lahmuh d'.

Translation in English:
The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "You should use cows' milk, because it is good for health, and cows' ghee is good for health, but beef is bad for health."

2. In the Book of Medicine of the Mustadrak al-Hakm [a classical hadith commentary by al-Hakm al-Nsabur], the first hadith is:
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings upon him, said: "Allah did not create any disease without creating its cure; and in cows' milk is a cure for every disease."



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Why Muslims don't eat Pork? THIS IS WHY

This is not the reason......reason for not eating is that Allah says not to eat it and what Allah says becomes law respective of logic.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Why Muslims don't eat Pork? THIS IS WHY

This is not the reason......reason for not eating is that Allah says not to eat it and what Allah says becomes law respective of logic.

This is not the reason but surely the hiqmat behind that order. Allah knows the best.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Why Muslims don't eat Pork? THIS IS WHY

This is not the reason but surely the hiqmat behind that order. Allah knows the best.

Look dear, we abide by law no matter we understand hikmat or not, we don't abide only those laws which we understand. I hope I have made my point.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Why Muslims don't eat Pork? THIS IS WHY

Because Allah said so! There are more people eating pork than the ones who don't and they have more reasons than us for it.
