A Brilliant Brilliant Quote



Islam is the best Product in the world buttttttttt we r its worst salesman ---Ayub Hussain Balouch


Siasat.pk - Blogger
well i will re-narrate this phrase

because islam is neither a saleable product , nor it can be sold.
secondly we do not SELL islam.....we promote it by words and actions....

this quote by balooch bhai..may look appealing to a marketing person...but if you analyse that deeply ....you will find following hidden flaws.

1- islam as product ( this implies that there can be a better product in future)
2- Life of a product is dependent on a timeframe ...( but islam will last forever)
3- We are sales men ( well sales man sells something for profit or his own benifit , while muslim practice and promote islam for benifit of other human beings)

ok..i stop here before it becomes a long mail..



Siasat.pk - Blogger
sarbakaf said:
well i will re-narrate this phrase

because islam is neither a saleable product , nor it can be sold.
secondly we do not SELL islam.....we promote it by words and actions....

this quote by balooch bhai..may look appealing to a marketing person...but if you analyse that deeply ....you will find following hidden flaws.

1- islam as product ( this implies that there can be a better product in future)
2- Life of a product is dependent on a timeframe ...( but islam will last forever)
3- We are sales men ( well sales man sells something for profit or his own benifit , while muslim practice and promote islam for benifit of other human beings)

ok..i stop here before it becomes a long mail..


--Couldn't Agree more :)


Yes, we as muslims have lost our identity and the sunnah of our prophet. Many muslims are involved in wrong today, and no way by doing this others are going to b attracted towards islam. During the timem of the prophet(phuh), he used to display such akhlaaq and manners that people would want to hear more of what he had to say. The only way to attract & invite ppl 2wards islam and iman is to stand firm upon the sunnah and copy each and every part of our prophets actions the best we can.


why it is like that muslims specially pakistani , showing their too much
obsession towards islam,they don't follow their religion even 1% but want to spread,
attract,invite people with other religious faiths.
it is the history of this subcontinent that that 99% conversion was forcefully.

they don't have any interest in practicing their religion but converting others.
they are just hypocrites.

I never saw any other religious faith people talking about too much about
their faiths.

If you really want to convey your religion's philosophy ,then set some bench marks.
do something for humanity,which the world acknowledge.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
hasnarona said:
why it is like that muslims specially pakistani , showing their too much
obsession towards islam,they don't follow their religion even 1% but want to spread,
attract,invite people with other religious faiths.
it is the history of this subcontinent that that 99% conversion was forcefully.

they don't have any interest in practicing their religion but converting others.
they are just hypocrites.

I never saw any other religious faith people talking about too much about
their faiths.

If you really want to convey your religion's philosophy ,then set some bench marks.
do something for humanity,which the world acknowledge.

---Precise reason for all the efforts being carried out against Islam to extinguish it's True flames.We Muslims take our religion very seriously and other people of book ( Christians and Jews) have lagged behind even though some jews have adhered to it very strongly but all in vain since they keep adhering to a false belief. :)

--As per your notion of doing something for humanity then you need to read history and get yourself acquainted with all the services Musilms have rendered to Humanity be it in the fields of Science,Art,Calligraphy,Architecture and so on so forth..Not to mention the Charity but everything has been marred amidst all this chaos created.


taul said:
hasnarona said:
why it is like that muslims specially pakistani , showing their too much
obsession towards islam,they don't follow their religion even 1% but want to spread,
attract,invite people with other religious faiths.
it is the history of this subcontinent that that 99% conversion was forcefully.

they don't have any interest in practicing their religion but converting others.
they are just hypocrites.

I never saw any other religious faith people talking about too much about
their faiths.

If you really want to convey your religion's philosophy ,then set some bench marks.
do something for humanity,which the world acknowledge.

---Precise reason for all the efforts being carried out against Islam to extinguish it's True flames.We muslims take our religion very seriously and other people of book ( Christians and Jews) have lagged behind even though some jews have adhered to it very strongly but all in vain since they keep adhering to false belief.

--As per your notion of doing something for humanity then you need to read history and get yourself acquainted with all the services Musilms have rendered to Humanity be it in the fields of Science,Art,Calligraphy,Architecture and so on so forth..Not to mention the Charity but everything has been marred amidst all this chaos created.


problem is that some of the people
are amusing themselves with the Islamic history.look at you guys as a Pakistani contributed.

The way you guys think ,then should a poor,
hungry ,punajbi ,pakistani christian should amaze them self by thinking
that they ruled this subcontinent(as Britishers and now dominating(as americans and western powers)

pakistani openly saying about muslim umma or muslim as one nation.
and correlates with arab
you shouldn't forget that they don't
give u visa free entry (even for haj)
neither they allow their woman to marry non-arabs.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
hasnarona said:
problem is that some of the people
are amusing themselves with the Islamic history.look at you guys as a Pakistani contributed.

The way you guys think ,then should a poor,
hungry ,punajbi ,pakistani christian should amaze them self by thinking
that they ruled this subcontinent(as Britishers and now dominating(as americans and western powers)

pakistani openly saying about muslim umma or muslim as one nation.
and correlates with arab
you shouldn't forget that they don't
give u visa free entry (even for haj)
neither they allow their woman to marry non-arabs.

---You tend to confuse two things us being proud as Muslims with us being as Pakistanis our duties towards fellow human beings and countrymen :ugeek: ..We Muslims have a very rich history and culture and we're extremely proud of it.Muslims have ruled before and will do so in the future and no one can deny such a destined faith,Your notion of hunger equating it with such glory is only an illusion nevertheless we Muslims have an immense responsibility for the betterment of all humans and that is being done by all Patriotic Pakistanis and good Muslims that surely escapes the eye of all who intent and will harm to us :)

--Pakistanis have done alot during all these 62 years and have become a Powerful state even after having NOT the best of politicians and Insha-Allah we will prosper even more leaving all those wishing us otherwise mortified and heartbroken.

--Visa :shock: ??Every country has it's own rules and if they require any muslim to get visa,what's the issue :roll: I believe you indians one way or the other have so deluded fantasies that deserve to be laughed at :) ..Anyhow Once muslims unite and make such a federation as EU then surely we won't be needing it but till then just as any Non-EU member requires a visa for EU country we all would be required to do so.

--As per your notion of marriage it's best to marry one of your own country and more so who speak the same language to make life easy and the bond more lasting. I know personally some friends of mine married to arabs coz they were fluent in arabic and had lived for decades in arab countries.

it is the history of this subcontinent that that 99% conversion was forcefully.

--Always remember this as a general rule, "You can never ever convert anybody forcefully,and to top it off the laughable % you mentioned"

--What history books you read??you guys are unbelievable instead of seeking the truth your try in so many devious ways distort the facts and truth,how many Dr.Zakir Naik is converting forcefully???There are around 20,000-30,000 americans reverting each year,who is forcing the people of most powerful nation?The answer is the truth they get to read,understand and absorb it,unlike some whose only agenda is NOT to find the truth but unsuccessfully look for all the misinformation in turn getting purposely their ownselves stuck further into the swamp of darkness.