لاہور: تھانہ سبزہ زار کی حدود محلہ ہجویری ٹاؤن میں دن دیہاڑے ایک شخص کی بچی کیساتھ نازیبا حرکات


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
jab awam aisi hai to hukmran kaise honge..I really think we need to implement punishments according to Shariah just like Talibans

Allama G

Minister (2k+ posts)
this is a low-level crime. National media should not be brought into this. As per criminal justice, he should be punished. No point in making a news out of it when media is promoting the vulgarism 24/7


Minister (2k+ posts)
I keep saying this is the effect of the youth watching porn on mobile phones. when they come out they will try it on anyone. First thing is for Police to raid these shope who load porn on mobiles. Then PTCL block ip addresses of all porn sites.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Wtf is this, how is this animal allowed to soil an innocent girl, imagine the trauma ,

now this is what calls Azaaab on us

in our society, poor children, weak women have no protection

these crimes happen everywhere but culprit gets nabbed and punished


Minister (2k+ posts)
I keep saying this is the effect of the youth watching porn on mobile phones. when they come out they will try it on anyone. First thing is for Police to raid these shope who load porn on mobiles. Then PTCL block ip addresses of all porn sites.

isn’ open already blocked ?? This happens due to lack of fear of law - simple

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
I keep saying this is the effect of the youth watching porn on mobile phones. when they come out they will try it on anyone. First thing is for Police to raid these shope who load porn on mobiles. Then PTCL block ip addresses of all porn sites.
There has to be some kind of outlet for all of this, I know what I'm about to say is going to be very controversial but we cannot live n such a conservative society and not expect such crimes. Through out the ages there has been some kind of accommodation people were allowed many wives, concubines and even slaves were all halal.

In todays society even though you can keep 4 wives at a time but even one marriage has become extremely difficult, whether it be socially or economic wise. People cannot live with their eyes closed in todays world or an authoritarian Taliban type society

So Ullema from all over need to come together and come up with a solution or solutions to this issue.

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Although I believe only mentally sick and disgusting vile creature would even think of a small girl like this @#%@% in the video and is deserving of the same punishment as a rapist. There is no telling if he has done this before and wont go all the way if left unchecked.

Masud Javed

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We need to start hanging people like these
introduce strict laws or this society's down fall will be quicker than you think


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Don't know what's the background? Report such instances to police to investigate and make arrests if needed..
But there was no need to post it on social media or play it on TV. Privacy of children ought to be protected but media is worse and vulgar than all. The one who posted this should be charged as well.
