فلاپ شو


Minister (2k+ posts)

Raja Farooq

Senator (1k+ posts)
Best analysis noora league iz not a party ita a bunch of crooks and criminals who r benefited by nooras and doing corruption and criminals and qabza mafias


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
There was no strategy.People must under stand this donkey looted the country and they should get the money out of him. Putting him in jail will not help. Getting nations money back will.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The main thing is getting the money back from all these looters,so the country can stand on her own feet.


Minister (2k+ posts)
یہ بات مجھے حیرت کے سمندرمیں ڈبودیتی ہے ،کہ ایک تہائی اکثریت لینی والی جماعت پنجاب پر 6 بار مرکز پر 3 بار بلکہ اگر ایک وزارت خزانہ کا پیریڈ بھی شامل کریں تو ٹوٹل 10 بار والی جماعت کھبی بھی اپنے ایشو پر لوگوں کو گھروں سے نکلنے سے کیوں قاصر ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
پولیس نے کنفرم کیا ہے کہ پچھلے چار دنوں میں اس نے نون لیگ کے سولہ ہزار سے زائد کارکنوں کو گرفتار کیا ہے جبکہ اسکے مقابلے میں تحریک انصاف کے صرف ٣٩ کارکنوں کے گرفتار کیا یہ وہ لوگ ہوتےہیں جنہوں نے باقی لوگوں کو گھروں سے نکالنا ہوتا ہے . اسکے باوجود اگر پچاس ساٹھ ہزار لوگ سڑکوں پر آئے تو بری کارکردگی قطعی نہیں ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
to be very honest, political differences aside, PMLN has achieved what it wanted from this whole episode.

NS had to come back with MNS, so they made the most of it, generated some political activity for their party, wanted to be arrested themselves so that they can play the victim card, captured media for 2,3 days completely and seems like in coming days as well... Just think that other parties rallies and speeches/programs are all set aside now and only NS is being discussed. Also they never wanted too much trouble on streets with arrests and agitation etc, on one hand that might have deprived them of political workers and on the other hand people might not have liked any property destruction.

Last but not least, NS wanted to save his property and strike a deal, which seems like also achieved.
